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RFE: roKeyboardScreen button focus?

I have noticed that during the "guided setup" the roKeyboardScreen automatically has focus set on the "done" button. I would like to know how to do this with my roKeyboardScreen object. My screen is always focused on the "a" button of the on screen keyboard. I don't see anything that looks like screen.setButtonFocus(index as integer) in the component guide? (I tried that method and it said no). Maybe this is just an undocumented feature (or maybe I missed the place it was documented).

Thanks in advance,
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Re: RFE: roKeyboardScreen button focus?

There is no way to do this. If you set a default string for the keyboard, the focus will be on the default string (which will be replaced when you enter the first key on the keyboard). If there is no default string set, the focus will be on the letter 'a'.

The buttons are added in the order that you called AddButton(), but are not highlighted by default. There is no way to set the focus to a particular button programmatically.

I'm not sure where in guided setup you saw a button highlighted by default?? We have a keyboard screen when you need to enter a WEP key or WPA passphase, but the letter 'a' is initially focussed on that keyboard.

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Re: RFE: roKeyboardScreen button focus?

OK, so I am requesting an RFE to add a "setFocus(buttonIdx as integer)" method. Is there a bugTracker somewhere we should be using for that sort of thing? I consider this to be more of a "support" mechanism.

I have noticed that the string value I set is pre-populated, but it is not "selected" in that it doesn't disappear if I start "typing" new values. I have had to "delete" off the entire pre-populated entry. The focus is always on "a" on my screens, regardless of whether I have pre-populated a string.

I will try to reproduce what I saw in the guided setup. I was having other problems that was causing my wireless network connection info to be wiped out. When I went back in, I selected the wireless network, and the WPA2 key was pre-populated (from the registry?), and I was fairly sure the "done" button was selected (focused) by default.

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Re: RFE: roKeyboardScreen button focus?

We do have a feature request open for setting the focus on a particular button.... I'll take this as one more vote in favor of implementing the feature.

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Re: RFE: roKeyboardScreen button focus?

Thanks. Is this bug tracking system internal only or can we view it?

I do confirm the "done" focus with the following steps: (dont even need to crash it)

START with a wireless network with a password (I use WPA2 but I doubt that matters)
Go to Settings -> Network -> repeat guided setup
--> wired (obviously you need a connection on wired to succeed here)

Now switch back to wireless:
Settings -> Network -> repeat guided setup
--> wireless
--> Choose the wireless network you were previously on (although I don't think that matters either)
--> a keyboard screen will come up, with the password pre-populated and the "done" button selected.

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Re: RFE: roKeyboardScreen button focus?

Yes. I see where you saw the keyboard screen do that now. Unfortunately, it was all done with methods that are not scriptable. Should make it easier to add to the script though.

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Re: RFE: roKeyboardScreen button focus?

My iPhone Remote Control App called DVPRemote relies on the keyboard focus of search screens to be on the "a" button for it's search automation feature to work properly. If you added the ability to change the focus, do you think the initial focus on "a" will change for standard search screens? Thanks!
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