OK, so I am requesting an RFE to add a "setFocus(buttonIdx as integer)" method. Is there a bugTracker somewhere we should be using for that sort of thing? I consider this to be more of a "support" mechanism.
I have noticed that the string value I set is pre-populated, but it is not "selected" in that it doesn't disappear if I start "typing" new values. I have had to "delete" off the entire pre-populated entry. The focus is always on "a" on my screens, regardless of whether I have pre-populated a string.
I will try to reproduce what I saw in the guided setup. I was having
other problems that was causing my wireless network connection info to be wiped out. When I went back in, I selected the wireless network, and the WPA2 key was pre-populated (from the registry?), and I was fairly sure the "done" button was selected (focused) by default.