This is completely separate from
that, so reporting in a new thread. A "bonus" issue, if you will.
Seems there are situations in which the RAF (Roku Advertisement Framework) may "hang", which naturally hangs the calling app too.
Here is what i got in console:
RAF 1.7; rendering preroll pod of 1 ads
RAF 1.7; render failure: failed to create media player
^CBREAK (runtime error &hf8) in roku_ads_lib:/Roku_Ads.brs(2150)
BrightScript Debugger> bscs
roArray: 73
roAssociativeArray: 525
roByteArray: 1
roCaptionRenderer: 3
roDeviceInfo: 1
roFilesystem: 1
roGlobal: 1
roImageCanvas: 4
roImageCanvasEvent: 1
roInput: 1
roInt: 4
roInvalid: 1
roList: 41
roMessagePort: 41
roRegistrySection: 1
roString: 815
roTimespan: 5
roUrlEvent: 37
roUrlTransfer: 37
roVideoPlayer: 3
roVideoPlayerEvent: 31
Total # components: 1627
Perhaps it's low-memory issue but it's puzzling that it did not error but
stayed hanging there (somewhere! i hope the ^C break helps to figure out what's going on).