I seem to be having a problem with my private channel. I was trying to upload a new package but kept getting errors. I was also getting errors trying to upload the images for the channel store. I deleted my channel and attempted to create a new channel with all new vanity code, title, etc... but I am having the same problem uploading images now so I can't proceed.
The images worked fine before, so I don't think it is a problem with the images.
This is the error I get: A problem occurred while uploading your file. Please try again in a few minutes.
The error I received when trying to update my package:
Changes could not be saved. If the problem persists, please exit and restart your browser, then try again. (ERROR COMMUNICATING WITH CDN: Could not put file [\\360518-WS03\shared\db7c716b70e347f48d972c4839a23)
Any ideas?