I still can't wrap my feeble little mind around this, and can't even get the examples from the SDK to run properly.
So I'm breaking it down step by step here, to try to get a better understanding....
Here's the code I have (adapted from the AudioApp NPR example):
Function CreateLiveSongList() as Object
aa = CreateObject("roAssociativeArray")
aa.posteritems = CreateObject("roArray", 10, true)
xfer = CreateObject("roURLTransfer")
str = xfer.GetToString()
xml = CreateObject("roXMLElement")
' xml.Parse("http://aqualine.kjsr.net:8000/statistics")
song = CreateSong("Artist - Title","Current Show","Current DJ", "mp3", "http://aqualine.kjsr.net:8000/","http://kjsr.net/images/djicons/currdj.png")
return aa
End Function
So far, so good.
BUT, I need to replace the sections currently filled by "Artist - Title", "Current Show", and "Current DJ" with the specific variable contained in <SONGTITLE> from the server's statistics XML which looks like this:
<SONGTITLE>Nothing to Say with DJ Charlie ~ No Doubt - Spiderwebs</SONGTITLE>
That needs to be broken down into:
No Doubt - Spiderwebs
Nothing to Say
DJ Charlie
And then displayed properly on the screen.
So. Can someone please tell me exactly what I'm missing? I've tried going through the examples, no joy. Been back and forth through the SDK documentation, no joy. If I could afford it, I'd hire somebody to do it for me, honestly.
And after this is fixed, I still have to set up another section to handle archived shows (mp3 format) being served by the Station. Or call for the nice young men with the clean white coats to take me away...