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Channel Surfer

Need help with cUrl on roku

This works just fine from command line.

curl '' \
-d 'client_id=lOnGStringOfCharacters' \
-d 'client_secret=reallyreallylongstringofcharacters' \
-d 'grant_type=password' \
-d '' \
-d 'password=s0mth1ng'
-d 'redirect_uri='

Any suggestions on how to convert this into a url to POST and or GET using roURlXfer?

Would the \ be converted to an ampersand? or the -d ? I tried putting it all on one line with ampersands and it was no-go, whereas cUrling it worked perfectly.

- Joel
Screenshades: The first Screensaver for Roku2!
Musiclouds: The best free internet music, on your Roku!
Ouroborialis: Psychedelic Screensaver for Roku!
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Channel Surfer

Re: Need help with cUrl on roku

Yes, with an "&". The POST string should look pretty much identical to a querystring, without the leading "?". Note that, typically, it should also be URL encoded like a querystring, as well.

urlTransfer = CreateObject("roUrlTransfer")
urlTransfer.AddHeader("Content-Type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded")
result = urlTransfer.PostFromString("client_id=lOnGStringOfCharacters&client_secret=reallyreallylongstringofcharacters&grant_type=password&")
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Channel Surfer

Re: Need help with cUrl on roku

Hi Endless, thanks.

One more question: how do I get the response information from this POST? postfromstring just returns an integer, not the response info I get with cUrl on the command line.

- Joel
Screenshades: The first Screensaver for Roku2!
Musiclouds: The best free internet music, on your Roku!
Ouroborialis: Psychedelic Screensaver for Roku!
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Re: Need help with cUrl on roku

Use the Async version to get more detailed info returned....

From the event below you could query for the info you want like GetResponseHeadersArray()



Function http_post_from_string_with_timeout(val As String, seconds as Integer) as String
timeout% = 1000 * seconds

str = ""
' m.Http.EnableFreshConnection(true) 'Don't reuse existing connections
if (m.Http.AsyncPostFromString(val))
event = wait(timeout%, m.Http.GetPort())
if type(event) = "roUrlEvent"
print "1"
str = event.GetString()
elseif event = invalid
print "2"
Dbg("AsyncPostFromString timeout")
print "3"
Dbg("AsyncPostFromString unknown event", event)

return str
End Function
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