"el.wubo" wrote:
MyMedia Private Channel
I'd like to announce the availability of MyMedia as a private channel for general testing. This release features a new installation process that doesn't require that you put your Roku into developer mode and doesn't require that you manually determine and maintain the IP addresses of your server and your Roku. This release does still require that you install python for your platform but we hope to be taking away that requirement soon as well.
Hey el.wubo. Long time, no see!
Okay, I decided to install the channel like a total newbie. I uninstalled everything and started from scratch following the walkthrough directions. Here I am with more feedback than you can shake a stick at. I should say before I start that I am using Windows Vista.
Install Issues1.
Python: the python download page shows only 2.7 and 3.1.2. The server does not work with either of these versions of python. If you have either of these installed when you start mymedia.bat the cmd box opens, but closes right back on it's own with no running python to be found in the taskbar. You have to have 2.6.6 in order to run the server.
~You should tell people to download 2.6.6 and link to
it's page.
PIL: Since the walkthrough page didn't say anything about PIL I didn't install it. I figured out right away that it's definitely needed since the pictures were being very slow to load and I couldn't zoom. I also figured out that the newest version (1.1.7) doesn't seem to work too well with this channel, so I got 1.1.6 again.
~You should add instructions to download PIL 1.1.6 to the walkthrough.
Other Strangeness1.
Shuffling: It's broken! I got lots of error messages in the mymedia.bat window when it was attempting to shuffle. I wish I could past the traceback code for you, but it was long and I can't copy/paste from the window.
The first time I tried, it landed on an artists folder instead of an actual song for the first "song" and didn't do anything. When I hit skip the second "song" was an actual song that played, but if I hit skip again it would go back to the first "song" aka folder. It ended up crashing my roku. :cry:
The second time I tried, it landed on a song first and the second "song" was the same folder again. I thought it might be that particular folder, so I removed it from my music file but another folder ended up being listed as a song about three songs into the shuffle.
This problem only seems to occur if you are in the top two level folders (MyMusic or A-B, C-D, etc)
Play All: if you are in the top level MyVideo folder then pressing play all does nothing. There were no error messages or anything, but nothing played.
General CommentsThe server seems snappier! :mrgreen:
The channel add/install process is pretty straightforward (once you know which version of python to get).
SuggestionTray Icon??? I have no idea if this is possible, but I would love it if the mymedia.bat cmd box could minimize into a tray icon.