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More Detailed ComponentLibrary Failure Info

We're using the SG ComponentLibrary a considerable amount, and my only complaint is that when loading the component fails the only indication is the loadStatus attribute changing to 'failure'.  I haven't seen any other indication of what went wrong, e.g. an HTTP error or the component failed to compile.

Am I missing something? Is there another hidden or inherited attribute that I can check to determine why the load failed?

Reel Rookie

Re: More Detailed ComponentLibrary Failure Info

Something worth checking in this situation is the output text generated if you do the curl command:
`curl --user rokudev:$ROKU_USERPASS --digest --silent --show-error --output out.txt \ -F "passwd=$ROKU_PACKPASS" -F "mysubmit=Package" -F "app_name=MyApp" -F "pkg_time=$TIME" http://$ROKU_HOST/plugin_package`

If it says the zip couldn't be found, that may mean that the zip couldn't compile. If you use the Brightscript Extension for VS Code that may also give you some more helpful logs in the output when you try to compile it.

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