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Make roVideoScreen loop forever

Hi all,
I am new to Roku development. I have a project where we are using a Roku to loop through a series of videos on a TV. The playlist is retrieved via REST API and then the looping starts.

In my code, what I really want to do is just load a video player, then have it play one video after the next. However, there does not seem to be a way to have the player play another video when it finishes. As written it exits before playing the next one.

Function startVideo()

p = CreateObject("roMessagePort")
videoScreen = CreateObject("roVideoScreen")

while true
print "Refreshing video list..."
playlist = CreateObject("roArray", 10, true)
mediaInfo = getMediaInfoForProject("2246141")
for each media in mediaInfo
videoURL = getVideoForID(Stri(
media.videoURL = videoURL
end for

for each media in playlist
print "next video is ";
videoclip = CreateObject("roAssociativeArray")
videoclip.StreamBitrates = [0] ' 0 = no dots, adaptive bitrate
videoclip.StreamUrls = [media.videoURL]
videoclip.StreamQualities = ["HD"]
videoclip.StreamFormat = "mp4"
videoclip.Title = "" ' this is what is shown when the video is loading


while true
msg = wait(0, videoScreen.GetMessagePort())
if type(msg) = "roVideoScreenEvent"
if msg.isScreenClosed() then 'ScreenClosed event
print "Screen closed, Completing video"
exit while
else if msg.isFullResult()
print "playback completed"
exit while
else if msg.isStreamStarted()
print "playback started"
else if msg.isRequestFailed()
print "play failed: "; msg.GetMessage()
else if msg.isStatusMessage()
print "status="; msg.GetMessage();" type=" msg.GetType()
else if msg.GetType() = 15
print "Interrupted by user hitting a button on the remote"
print "Unknown event: "; msg.GetType(); " msg: "; msg.GetMessage()
end if
end while

print "One done, what's next?"
end for
end while
End Function

What I see in the debug console is this:

Refreshing video list...
next video is video4
playback started
playback completed
One done, what's next?
next video is video2

But video2 never plays, and it returns to the home screen. Help?
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Roku Guru

Re: Make roVideoScreen loop forever

I'm not sure you can do that with roVideoScreen. You may have to create a new roVideoScreen object (and port) for each item in your content loop -- or use roVideoPlayer with SetContentList().
0 Kudos

Re: Make roVideoScreen loop forever

Yeah, I think you are right. I just made a black screen and pushed that on the stack, then iteratively push a video player on the stack for each video. This seems to work ok for now.
0 Kudos

Re: Make roVideoScreen loop forever

Came up with a solution that works pretty well.

I use a black screen as the base of the screen stack:


Then I use a roVideoPlayer with the playlist (thanks belltown!), and refresh the player at the end of the playlist:

Function startVideoInPlayer()

p = CreateObject("roMessagePort")
while true
playlist = getCurrentPlayList()

videoPlayer = CreateObject("roVideoPlayer")

contentList = []
for each media in playlist
contentList.Push({ Stream: { url: media.videoURL }, StreamFormat: "mp4"})
end for
while true
msg = wait(0, p)
if msg <> invalid
'print "message";msg
if msg.isFullResult()
print "playback completed"
exit while
end if
end if
end while
end while

End Function

Hope this helps someone in the future.
0 Kudos
Roku Guru

Re: Make roVideoScreen loop forever

I'm glad you got it working. However, it might be better to use an roImageCanvas for your black facade screen. It's not recommended to mix 2D API components (roScreen) and standard components -- even though it may work if you understand what's going on -- since the 2D API display stack is maintained independently from the main screen component display stack (see here).

Here's what I would do:

imageCanvas = CreateObject ("roImageCanvas")
imageCanvas.SetLayer (0, {Color: "#000000"})
imageCanvas.Show ()

and, of course, call imageCanvas.Close () when you've finished displaying your videos.
0 Kudos

Re: Make roVideoScreen loop forever

Thanks for the hint, I have made the switch to a roImageCanvas for my black facade.
0 Kudos
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