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Roku Guru

Re: Live feed error

"Blackhawk" wrote:
 Like this?

That's fine. I would have gone even simpler. Should build from simpler to more complicated, never start with the complicated first - since troubleshooting won't be a beach. And the simplest way to do it is 3 calls:
RAF = Roku_Ads()
adPods = RAF.getAds()
is_finished_ok = RAF.showAds(adPods)

That's it and... - like Alton Brown said - "walk away - just walk away!"
That's good enough and should work, should be able to see an ad play (it will be a sample clip).
What it does is (a) get RAF library instance, (b) ask for an ad and (c) show the ad.

The rest of Nielsen gallimaufry are just "improvements" on the basics for better targeting by advertisers - mind you if using that you actually need to know what to set in these (i can't be of help). But like most things - first learn to walk, then to run.
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Roku Guru

Re: Live feed error

I changed the feed code this

Library "Roku_Ads.brs"

Function CreateLiveFeed() as integer

'AA for base video, ad and Nielsen configuration.

'For additional information please see official RAF documentation.

videoContent = {

streamFormat : "hls",

'Lengthy (17 min.) TED talk to allow time for testing ad pods

stream: {

url: "",

bitrate: 800,

quality: false




End Function


'A full RAF integration Example:

' - Include RAF.

' - setAdURL to set the ad URL.

' - Examples of RAF MACROS being passed in the ad call.

' - getAds() for VAST parsing.

' - showAds for rendering.

' - Enable Nielsen.

' - Pass all parameters to Nielsen beacons with examples of genre, program id and content.

'@param videoContent [AA] object that has valid data for playing video with roVideoScreen.

Sub PlayContentWithFullRAFIntegration(videoContent as Object)

'Main facade creation.

canvas = CreateObject("roImageCanvas")

canvas.SetLayer(1, {color: "#000000"})

canvas.SetLayer(2, {text: "Loading..."})


RAF = Roku_Ads()'RAF initialize

print "Roku_Ads library version: " + RAF.getLibVersion()

RAF.setDebugOutput(true) 'for debug pupropse

'RAF content params



'Indicates whether the default Roku backfill ad service URL

'should be used in case the client-configured URL fails (2 retries)

'to return any renderable ads.

RAF.setAdPrefs(true, 2)

adPods = RAF.getAds()

is_finished_ok = RAF.showAds(adPods)

curPos = 0

if playContent

videoScreen = PlayVideoContent(videoContent)

end if

closingContentScreen = false

contentDone = false

while playContent

videoMsg = wait(0, videoScreen.GetMessagePort())

if type(videoMsg) = "roVideoScreenEvent"

if videoMsg.isStreamStarted()


end if

if videoMsg.isPlaybackPosition()

'cache current playback position for resume after midroll ads

curPos = videoMsg.GetIndex()

end if

if not closingContentScreen 'don't check for any more ads while waiting for screen close

if videoMsg.isScreenClosed() 'roVideoScreen sends this message last for all exit conditions

playContent = false

else if videoMsg.isFullResult()

contentDone = true 'don't want to resume playback after postroll ads

end if

'check for midroll/postroll ad pods

adPods = RAF.getAds(videoMsg)

if adPods <> invalid and adPods.Count() > 0

'must completely close content screen before showing ads

'for some Roku platforms (e.g., RokuTV), calling Close() will not synchronously

'close the media player and may prevent a new media player from being created

'until the screen is fully closed (app has received the isScreenClosed() event)


closingContentScreen = true

end if

else if videoMsg.isScreenClosed()

closingContentScreen = false 'now safe to render ads

end if 'closingContentScreen

if not closingContentScreen and adPods <> invalid and adPods.Count() > 0

'now safe to render midroll/postroll ads

playContent = RAF.showAds(adPods)

playContent = playContent and not contentDone

if playContent

'resume video playback after midroll ads

videoContent.PlayStart = curPos

videoScreen = PlayVideoContent(videoContent)

end if

end if '!closingContentScreen

end if 'roVideoScreenEvent

end while

if type(videoScreen) = "roVideoScreen" then videoScreen.Close()

End Sub

'Creation and configuration of video screen.

'@param content [AA] object that has valid data for playing video with roVideoScreen

'@returns [roVideoScreen] video screen object

Function PlayVideoContent(content as Object) as Object

' roVideoScreen just closes if you try to resume or seek after ad playback,

' so just create a new instance of the screen...

videoScreen = CreateObject("roVideoScreen")


' need a reasonable notification period set if midroll/postroll ads are to be

' rendered at an appropriate time




return videoScreen

End Function

Theres another error
Type Mismatch. (runtime error &h18) in roku_ads_lib:/Roku_Ads.brs(3608)
3608: ??
#3  Function roku_ads_configurecontentid(id_ As String) As Void
   file/line: roku_ads_lib:/Roku_Ads.brs(3609)
#2  Function playcontentwithfullrafintegration(videocontent As Object) As Void
   file/line: pkg:/source/LiveFeed.brs(46)
#1  Function createlivefeed() As Integer
   file/line: pkg:/source/LiveFeed.brs(19)
#0  Function main() As Void
   file/line: pkg:/source/main.brs(20)
0 Kudos
Community Streaming Expert

Re: Live feed error

Get rid of all the RAF.setXXX lines. You have no contentId and no contentGenre defined anywhere and the other calls are equally unnecessary.

Roku Community Streaming Expert

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Roku Guru

Re: Live feed error

I had modified the code to play more than one video (not at the same time)

Library "Roku_Ads.brs"

Function CreateLiveFeed() as integer

'AA for base video, ad and Nielsen configuration.

'For additional information please see official RAF documentation.

videoContent = {

streamFormat : "mp4",

'Lengthy (17 min.) TED talk to allow time for testing ad pods

stream: {

url: "",

bitrate: 800,

quality: false


streamFormat : "hls",

'Lengthy (17 min.) TED talk to allow time for testing ad pods

stream: {

url: "",

bitrate: 800,

quality: false







End Function

Yet there's an error

Current Function:
027:      adPods = RAF.getAds()
028:    is_finished_ok = RAF.showAds(adPods)
030:      curPos = 0
031:    videoScreen = PlayVideoContent(videoContent)
033:      closingContentScreen = false
034:      contentDone = false
035:*     while playContent
036:          videoMsg = wait(0, videoScreen.GetMessagePort())
037:          if type(videoMsg) = "roVideoScreenEvent"
038:              if videoMsg.isStreamStarted()
039:                  canvas.ClearLayer(2)
Use of uninitialized variable. (runtime error &he9) in pkg:/source/Functions.brs
035:     while playContent
#2  Function playcontentwithfullrafintegration(videocontent As Object) As Void
   file/line: pkg:/source/Functions.brs(35)
#1  Function createlivefeed() As Integer
   file/line: pkg:/source/LiveFeed.brs(26)
#0  Function main() As Void
   file/line: pkg:/source/main.brs(21)
0 Kudos
Community Streaming Expert

Re: Live feed error

The error is telling you that the variable 'playContent' is never initialized.
Roku Community Streaming Expert

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I am not a Roku employee.
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