I've had the urge recently to write a django app to act as a server to dish out the MP3's which are already sitting on my home server, but I know this is silly as I've seen at least 3 different home media servers posted on this forum. However, their descriptions are scattered amongst various threads so it's hard to parse which one(s) might suit my needs. I think it would very useful if we could put together a feature matrix of what's available as well as system requirements to help people decide what would work for them.
A sticky thread would probably work if the moderators are cool with it. Barring that I'd be willing to host and maintain a static html file with the information on my home server though I can't give much of a guarantee for up time and my html-fu is weak. Anyone have any other ideas about how we could condense this information? At the very least I know I'd appreciate it if everyone who has a home media server they've released could list some details about their system.