On Vimeo Pro, there is an option to stream directly to Roku via their Vimeo Roku App.
I went into Roku Developer, and updated my BIBLE TV roku channel. Everything shows up great.
Stream is updated and approved. Feed status the same. I can even preview it on their website and it's all great.
When I go to Roku (Already updated/restarted device & channel). The channel comes up, but it auto crashes while trying to load.
Any Ideas? I tried writing Roku via the contact button but it says "Opps Try again later, something is wrong". That is why I came here. THANK YOU for taking of your time.
😄Vimeo Stream:
https://channelstore.roku.com/details/45679/bible-tvMaybe try installing and tell me if it works? I just use it to post my regular ministry videos and now it doesn't work
😞 Thanks!