I have been messing with this a bit today so and its working on VLC and stopped working on my iPhone and weird this is not even the stanadard .m3u8 is working on my iPhone anymore, its confusing.
But here is the finished code i made for a file, but even though the headers in the php file make it work as a .m3u8 Roku
wont recognize it it seems. i just did a test using the custom video example and add the .php file address. and it gives me this error. does it not like the .php extension here?
----- Running ------
11, 0: startup progress
11, 66: startup progress
11, 132: startup progress
9,-5: The format is not supported or the media is corrupt.
16, 0: Playback completed.
11, 0: end of playlist
here is the final code...
header("Content-Type: application/x-mpegURL");
header("Cache-Control: no-cache");
header("Pragma: no-cache");
$directory = "../streaming/";
$filecount = count(glob("" . $directory . "*.ts"));
$duration= $filecount * 10;
#EXTM3U<?php echo "\r\n"?>
#EXT-X-MEDIA-SEQUENCE:1<?php echo "\r\n"?>
#EXT-X-TARGETDURATION:<?php echo $duration;?><?php echo "\r\n"?>
#EXT-X-ALLOW-CACHE:NO<?php echo "\r\n"?>
while($i<=$filecount) {
$sequence = $i;
$vid= "videoTest";
$video = "$vid$sequence.ts";
#EXTINF:10,<?php echo " \r\n"?><?php echo $video;?><?php echo "\r\n"?>
} // closes while loop
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