So a little more information from my testing.
Here is the code snippet of my roVideoScreen loop. I've added in the SetPositionNotificationPeriod(5) so that I can see where in the stream it's currently playing for debugging purposes.
while true
message = wait(0, port)
if m.debug=true print "DEBUG message index: "; message.GetIndex()
if type(message) = "roVideoScreenEvent"
if message.isScreenClosed() then
if m.debug=true print "Closing screen"
exit while
else if message.isPlaybackPosition() then
if m.debug=true print "Current Position: "; message.GetIndex()
else if message.isRequestFailed()
if m.debug=true print "Playback Failed: "; message.GetMessage()
if m.debug=true print "Unknown: "; message.GetType(); " message: "; message.GetMessage()
end if
end while
Here is what I get in the debug window.
DEBUG message index: 2
Unknown: 20 message: Stream started.
DEBUG message index: 208202
Current Position: 208202
DEBUG message index: 208207
Current Position: 208207
DEBUG message index: 208212
Current Position: 208212
DEBUG message index: 0
Unknown: 12 message: Playback paused.
DEBUG message index: 26
Unknown: 20 message: Stream started.
DEBUG message index: 202910
Current Position: 202910
DEBUG message index: 202915
The stream I'm using has time stamps displayed in it. I played a stream and hit the rewind button until my Roku showed 1 minute in the past on the buffer timeline at the bottom of the screen, that is where the debug log shows the Unknown message 12 and debug message 26. The 208202 index that the stream started at then showed about 5:59 am on the stream feed. The 202910 show about 4:31 am.
I'm totally lost since this has worked in the past, but doesn't seem to work now. Any ideas?