I went through the forums to see why this might be the case and none of the suggestions (placing farther down in the code) has worked. Can't get the description to hide for the life of me.
The code below is what I have now, any suggestions are greatly appreciated.
Function CreateShows() as integer
gridstyle = "two-row-flat-landscape-custom"
'set to go, time to get started
while gridstyle <> ""
print "starting grid style= ";gridstyle
screen = preShowGridScreen(gridstyle)
gridstyle = showGridScreen(screen)
end while
End Function
'** Perform any startup/initialization stuff prior to
'** initially showing the screen.
Function preShowGridScreen(style as string) As Object
screen = CreateObject("roGridScreen")
return screen
End Function
My channels: Amiri King, Donnie Baker, Worldview Weekend - Twitter @rjdjohnston