"dashielpm" wrote:
I have that at the head and have tried a few different variations with no success. The problem I am having is lack of documentation for the direct publishing arm of roku.
Oh, you are doing "DP"?
You should be posting your questions in the board next door,
https://forums.roku.com/viewforum.php?f=100 - where i think nobody answers them :oops:
So my assumption, right or wrong, is that roku client requires some sort of permissions to my server that I can't find documentation on. Am I incorrect in this thinking?
For the record, "wrong" :).
What happens is your server is generating content type that is not acceptable to the Roku client - and your^ server based on that is throwing a fit. My guess is Roku (DP?) does not send "Accept: */*" but something else. You can check with packet sniffer what and adapt to that - or, for my money just comment out `header('Content-Type: application/json');` and see what happens - or if that does no work try text/plain or text/html, whatever works.
(^) i know, sounds weird but the http server goes over a list of checks before sending response to the client and if it sees they don't "speak the same language", gets the "why bother?" attitude