Hopefully this isn't a duplicate topic, apologies if so (and feel free to point me to the relevant thread...) but I searched and can't seem to find any relevant posts. I've been trying to make API calls to perform a search on my Roku (as outlined here: https://sdkdocs.roku.com/display/sdkdoc/External+Control+Guide#ExternalControlGuide-search) but it doesn't seem to work.
The documentation has an example of: curl -d '' '<IP-address>:8060/search/browse?keyword=film'which just seems to yield 404s no matter what combination of query params / verbs I try (POST, GET, etc). All of the other API endpoints I've tried work fine -- I can query apps, launch them, etc. on my device just fine; it's only search that seems to be giving me trouble.
For what it's worth I've tried sending POSTs (and GETs, PUTs and all other verbs just in case...) to /search/browse with and without query params, with and without body data all to no avail, all of them net a 404 response. On a whim I've even tried requests to /search, which yields a 400.
Is the documentation accurate? Has anybody had any success initiating a search request to a Roku device? I'd like to be able to search by keywords, media types and TMS IDs if possible.
Thanks in advance!