Encoding and Hosting - Best Practices
Whilst creating our channel we found many sites did not have video ready to be streamed to set top boxes.
Most sites had Podcasts or Vodcasts designed to be downloaded but NOT streamed.
I feel sites now need to prepare for the new style of video consumption which is streaming on-demand.
Below are a few things I think people should consider when looking at preparing video for the Roku DVP or any other streaming device.
1. Progressive Downloading:
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Progressive_downloadhttp://support.apple.com/kb/HT24382. Does your web host allow streaming audio and video? Not all do.
3. Are the servers fast enough? The company you host with as a whole need to have good reliable connections to the internet.
4. Does anyone else know your content is ready to be streamed? Let people know.
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