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Doubt regarding roregistry

Hi All

I have a doubt.I am sure that you can clear it.

If I have published 2 channels in one developer ID.(same key and same password).I have stored login details of channel 1 in roRegistrySection and some other details of channel 2 in another roRegistrySection.

My requirement is
When user will remove channel 1 ,then only channel 1 roRegistrySection will be cleared.
And if the channel 1 roRegistrySection Data will be cleared then the channel 2 roRegistrySection will remain unaffected.

It will be happened or not.

Please give me some idea.
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Streaming Star

Re: Doubt regarding roregistry

The registry isn't cleared unless all channels packaged with the same devid are removed.
So you'll need to sign each package with a unique registry key.
0 Kudos

Re: Doubt regarding roregistry

So How can I create each package with unique registry key.Can you please give some sample code.
0 Kudos
Streaming Star

Re: Doubt regarding roregistry

To package your channel you need a devid - (genkey directions here: ... pplication )

Create your pkg file for your app using this key.

For your second package rerun genkey again - and make a pkg for that one.

Then when you're working on each app, 'rekey' the box before you make a pkg file in the future so the key will be correct for that registry set.
To avoid the hassle of this though, if you only have two apps, it would be easier to get two rokus - that way when working on app A it's always loaded on roku1, and app B is always on roku2 with the correct keys.

(Or Eclipse I believe keeps the keys in order for each app)
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