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Display a icon on the right hand side of the grid screen

Hi All,

Could some one please help me in figuring out on how to display a icon for ex : Options & settings * image in the right hand side of the grid screen? I tried using image canvas but when i use it for some reason none of the default highlighting and focus events on the grid screen are working.

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Re: Display a icon on the right hand side of the grid screen


I noticed lot of applications doing that, where they shows a small settings icon at the right hand corner,

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Roku Employee
Roku Employee

Re: Display a icon on the right hand side of the grid screen

In most cases, that hint is part of the larger overhang image (GridScreenOverhangSliceHD, GridScreenOverhangSliceSD). You can also do it as an overhang logo (GridScreenLogoHD, GridScreenLogoSD).
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Re: Display a icon on the right hand side of the grid screen

Thanks Chris for the quick turn around

So is it a expected behavior that imagecanvas and gridscreen do not work along together. Sorry for troubling again with my question just trying to understand is that i am doing something wrong or is it a expected behavior. If i mixed imagecanvas and gridscreen like custom video player none of the grid screen functionalaties like image highlighting grid image focus or click doesnot work.

Thanks again for the help.

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Channel Surfer

Re: Display a icon on the right hand side of the grid screen

"prajwalshetty" wrote:
Thanks Chris for the quick turn around

So is it a expected behavior that imagecanvas and gridscreen do not work along together. Sorry for troubling again with my question just trying to understand is that i am doing something wrong or is it a expected behavior. If i mixed imagecanvas and gridscreen like custom video player none of the grid screen functionalaties like image highlighting grid image focus or click doesnot work.

Thanks again for the help.


You cannot combine multiple screen types. In some instances, you can draw an roImageCanvas on top of another screen, but in those cases, as you've discovered, the roImageCanvas takes focus, so it's only useful for displaying modal elements, like a dialog or menu.
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