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Disabling the up button as back button

I could've sworn I was able to disable "Up" from acting like a "Back" button before. I'm looking through the documentation again and I can't remember where I saw it.

Did I make that up or is it real? If so, can you point me to the documentation around that because I can't remember where it was.
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Re: Disabling the up button as back button

What screen type are you referring to? roListScreen has SetupBehaviorAtTopRow.  Is that what you mean?

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Re: Disabling the up button as back button

Vide playback and Springboard. Is the up button supposed to bring you back?
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Roku Guru

Re: Disabling the up button as back button

"johnmarsden" wrote:
Is the up button supposed to bring you back?

Generally speaking - yes, for historical reasons.
There was a time back then, when Roku remotes did not have a dedicated "Back" button and so the "Up" button was doing the job. So that's the default behavior of many of the ro-components. For some (but not all) of them, a method to optionally disable the behavior was added later.
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