Well that was the buggiest thing I've dealt with on the Roku. Recorded a Roku sound (click) made it exactly 1 second, 44.1 wav 88k. It plays when it wants to. There is no reproducible pattern. Doing the exact same button presses results in something like this:
try 1 - plays
try 2 - plays
try 3 - not
try 4 - not
try 5 - not
try 6 - plays
try 7 - plays
try 8 - not
try 9 - not
try 10 - plays
the next ten will be a different set. Pressing the button longer, or reloading that sub or reloading the app doesn't matter. Exporting from Audition or Quicktime doesnt matter. Waiting in case an 88k file in ram is taking a while to load, two different buttons - doesn't matter.Its just random. About the only sure thing seems to be it wont play more than 3 times in a row. Just weird. Its an improvement over no sound ever, but I was hoping for something consistant.
while true
msg = wait(0,canvas.getmessageport())
beep=CreateObject("roAudioResource", "pkg:/sound/rokusound2.wav")
if msg.isscreenclosed() return 0
if msg.isRemoteKeyPressed()
if msg.GetIndex() = 10
return 0
end if
if msg.isRemoteKeyPressed()
if msg.GetIndex() = 6
return 0
end if
if msg.isRemoteKeyPressed()
if msg.GetIndex() = 2
return 0
end if
end while
Kinetics Screensavers