Our Roku channel has a collection of shows. In some cases, we'd like to deep link to an individual show page. This is a page within our channel that features information about a show. It doesn't display episodes, but it does provide a way for you to navigate to a shows/episodes page for choosing to play individual episodes.
I'm not sure how to set this up using the information here:
https://sdkdocs.roku.com/display/sdkdoc ... ExperienceI see a season media type, but the description for the content ID is:
contentID of an episode in the season
Which would deep link to an individual show/season episode. The required behavior description states that this should take you to a picker screen. We have that, but in some cases we'd like to deep link to a page one level up, i.e. the show page.
I see a special media type for content that doesn't fit the existing media types, but I'd rather not abuse this if there is a better choice for a show media type.
Thanks for any help.