Generally speaking, you can't distribute content legally without asking for and receiving permission in writing from the content owners. What you do in the privacy of your own home is up to you, legal or not, but if you are going to distribute that content, you need to have the rights.
Some people of course go ahead and do it anyway, the content owners may or may not approve, or care one way or the other. If a content owner has a problem with what you are doing they will usually have their lawyers send a DMCA takedown notice, and the person publishing has I think 48 hours to send a counter-notice if they believe they are not in violation.
For us, this is a huge drain on our resources that would be better spent getting legitimate channels published.
Also, many companies that have some rights to distribute content misunderstand the scope of their rights and include content they don't have the US rights for in their lineup and we have to do the DMCA dance and get them to remove the content, or we have to pull their channel out of the channel store.
Bottom line rule: if you don't have explicit US rights to it, don't distribute it in the US.
As to Romanian content, there is already at least one Romanian channel, Boboc TV, you could perhaps talk to them about making more content available on Roku.
- Joel