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Changing the description text color on roSpringboardScreen

I am having issues trying to change the text color on roSpringboardScreen. In a futile attempt to get this working, I setup my theme as follows:

theme.SpringboardTitleText  = "#ffffff"
theme.SpringboardActorColor = "#ffffff"
theme.SpringboardSynopsisText = "#ffffff"
theme.SpringboardGenreColor = "#ffffff"
theme.SpringboardRuntimeColor = "#ffffff"
theme.SpringboardDirectorLabelColor = "#ffffff"
theme.SpringboardDirectorColor = "#ffffff"
theme.SpringboardArtistColor = "#ffffff"
theme.SpringboardArtistLabelColor = "#ffffff"
theme.SpringboardAlbumColor = "#ffffff"
theme.SpringboardAlbumLabelColor = "#ffffff"
theme.EpisodeSynopsisText = "#ffffff"

theme.SpringboardTitleText respondes as expected, changing my title to white. I have also set my meta-data item to item.TextAttrs = {Color:"#FFFFFF"}

Nothing seems to be working. Any ideas? Thanks.
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Re: Changing the description text color on roSpringboardScre

Ok, so the issue was I was using outdated docs. I was looking at http://c1807832.cdn.cloudfiles.rackspac ... ce_v28.pdf

The theme attr. I was looking for is SpringboardSynopsisColor, that I found in ... ce_v41.pdf

What is the latest docs?
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Binge Watcher

Re: Changing the description text color on roSpringboardScre

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