"ThirdWaveSka" wrote:
I also talked to InstantTVChannel who stated that "The only change I ran into was that many new SHOUTcast installations use the text string "Playing Now:" to prefix the artist & title instead of the older version which uses "Current Song:". The current version of Instant TV Channel only looks for "Current Song:". The next version will look for both, Does anyone have any ideas as to what may have changed? This is only occurring on my roku channels. All other players are returning data with album art if filenames match or artist info if it doesn't. However that still shows that it is returning something. Roku has nothing.
I'm not sure what you and/or InstantTVChannel are using to extract the artist/track info from SHOUTcast. However, from what I'm seeing when looking at ThirdWaveSka's stream, the format is still "artistName - trackName".
E.g. with
http://stereo.wavestreamer.com:2735/stats I see:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<SONGTITLE>Keep Flying - Safety Harbor</SONGTITLE>
<NEXTTITLE>Tef London - Still Standing</NEXTTITLE>
<VERSION> (posix(linux x64))</VERSION>