The following snippet brings Roku with fw5 into catalepsy:
sub Main():
dlg = createObject("roPinEntryDialog")
msg = createObject("roOneLineDialog") ' <-- it will hang here
? "this line will never print"
end sub
Player locks in stupor and cannot be woken up with ctrl-C or Home. There is no error. The last line does not print to console. Watchdog never kicks in. Roku stays in persistent vegetative state. Totally bizarre. The only way out is restarting the player.
Naturally this is not the original code i was working on but
reductio ad minimum. Yes, there were ports and message loop and setting object parameters... none of that made difference, i chopped it down till the minimal hanging code remained. It took me a few hours to track it down, what with all the reboots and waiting to reload; lather, rinse, hang, reboot, repeat. It does not happen in fw3, only on fw5 - i tried it and happens reliably on 3 different models, with fw5.4 and 5.5 so it's pervasive and will be easy to reproduce.