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Channel Surfer

Cachefs Unpredictable Behaviour

I am writing an app that downloads some images during its runtime putting them in the cache (cachefs:/MyAppImages).
A 32GB microSD is attached to my Roku Ultra 4640X having the latest OS version 8.0.1 build 4042-29.
After restarting the app, sometimes it is able to find cachef:/MyAppImages with the images downloaded inside; other times it doesn't find the directory and it keeps on downloading the images again and again. When I go check the memory card usage in Settings -> System -> About, I find it having the same usage that it had right after Roku formatted it (1.7/31.4 GB). I was expecting that it won't remove my cached files unless the memory card is full and the device needs more space on the memory card for other usages. Any idea why it is doing that?
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Channel Surfer

Re: Cachefs Unpredictable Behaviour

I changed my approach and created files on root cachefs:/ and it worked as expected and documented this time.
0 Kudos
Channel Surfer

Re: Cachefs Unpredictable Behaviour


Hi, could you put your code please?  It would be very helpful
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Channel Surfer

Re: Cachefs Unpredictable Behaviour

Hi Cessilva, sure! I use this function to download files to cachefs :

function DownloadFile(url as StringfileName as Stringas object
    returnValue = {}

    urlObj = CreateObject("roUrlTransfer")

    port = CreateObject("roMessagePort")

    filePath = "cachefs:/" + fileName
            msg = wait(0port)
            if(type(msg) = "roUrlEvent")
                code = msg.GetResponseCode()
                if(code = 200)
                    returnValue.success = true
                    returnValue.filePath = filePath
                    returnValue.success = false
                    returnValue.code = code
                    returnValue.errorMessage = "Failed to download file: '" + fileName + "'. Code: " + code.toStr() + ". Reason: " + msg.GetFailureReason()
                end if
                returnValue.success = false
                returnValue.errorMessage = "Invalid event"
            end if
            exit while
        end while
        returnValue.success = false
        returnValue.errorMessage = "Download request could not be issued."
    end if
    return returnValue
end function
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