During dash playback in Roku video player, we are facing the below issues,
1. The language field of availableSubtitleTracks in video node is empty, so we are unable to identify the language for the particular CC,
In Video node:
availableSubtitleTracks = [{
Description: ""
Language: ""
TrackName: "eia608/CC1"
In mpd:
<Accessibility schemeIdUri="urn:scte:dash:cc:cea-608:2015" value="CC1=eng;CC3=swe"/>
2. Unable to identify the type of the audio tracks such as stereo or dolby, the name field of availableAudioTracks in video node is empty and this field is used to identify the type of audio tracks. To get the value in name field do we need to add anything in the DASH mpd.
In video node:
availableAudioTracks = [{
Format: "ISO/IEC 14496-3, Advanced Audio Coding, ASC header"
Language: "eng"
Name: ""
Track: "dash/a~AAC~eng~main~2"
Can you please provide the example of the DASH mpd to get the values for the above mentioned?