"ProbCaboose" wrote:
Main Page: http://adf.ly/413265/rokunet
Source of DLL: http://adf.ly/1IQUR
Source of Remote Example: http://adf.ly/1IQXc
These sources are under the GPL v3, Copyright (C) 2010 John Parks.
I have finished the Android Java port of Roku .NET, and have built a test app for Android, my fist EVER!, Yay Me.
Test App (Signed): http://adf.ly/1IQYj
RokuExternalControl JAR: http://adf.ly/1IQZE
Java info further down.
P.S. I would love to hear more feedback from people who are using this library and application.
Over the past few days I've been working on a C# .NET Library for External Control on a Roku device. After searching the internet and noticing there was not a single libraty out that did this, I wondered if anyone would be interested in this? Let me know and I'll upload it somewhere and post a link to the source;
Here's a program i wrote that uses the library I wrote.

I can post the source for it too if anyone wants. The textbox does send letters to the roku, but will only show on the roku if there is a place to enter text. There is one annoying bug so far, only with netflix, on the main gridview of netflix the arrow keys do not get processed properly, but on every other app they work fine, still trying to figure out whats happening.
"If I had a nickel for every time I was wrong, I'd be broke." Stephen Colbert