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Brand New - Getting Started

Hi All,

Just started looking at developing Roku. I come from a C# background, and have done VB.NET as well, so the BrightScript syntax looks familiar.

So, I have read the post viewtopic.php?f=34&t=36014 and have gone through the documentation, but I have some questions (very very basic) that are not addressed in the documents. First, how the heck are you supposed to hook the Roku up to a computer? Do I even do that? There is nothing that describes how you connect the Roku to your dev box and how it communicates (only briefly mentioned).

To get started, what is the process for hooking the Roku up and uploading some of the demo projects??

Sorry this is so basic, brand new thought process for me.

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Channel Surfer

Re: Brand New - Getting Started

The DeveloperGuide.pdf in the SDK gives you details on how to develop and side-load applications (page 11+). The only "connection" between your Roku and your computer is via telnet and the web interface.
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Re: Brand New - Getting Started

Thanks, I guess I saw that but missed the detail on it. I was thinking that you hooked the Roku up to the computer, and then uploaded directly.

We are still waiting for our Roku to arrive, so I guess I have to wait for that.

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