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01:59 PM
Best way to DrawRotatedObject and DrawScaledObject together?
Is it possible to both DrawRotatedObject and DrawScaledObject?
Since the source can be a region, would it be best to first DrawRotatedObject a bitmap onto a region, then DrawScaledObject the region onto the screen?
Is some other way easier or better for performance?
Since the source can be a region, would it be best to first DrawRotatedObject a bitmap onto a region, then DrawScaledObject the region onto the screen?
Is some other way easier or better for performance?

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03:41 PM
Re: Best way to DrawRotatedObject and DrawScaledObject toget
Are you scaling it to different sizes and rotating it differently on each pass? If you're only scaling it once, then your best bet is to cache it to a new bitmap already scaled, then use that bitmap from that point on. I don't think using regions will make a difference in this scenario.
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05:32 PM
Re: Best way to DrawRotatedObject and DrawScaledObject toget
Sorry, yeah, scaling new size every pass, a slowly shrinking spinning object

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07:23 PM
Re: Best way to DrawRotatedObject and DrawScaledObject toget
"Komag" wrote:
Sorry, yeah, scaling new size every pass, a slowly shrinking spinning object
Admittedly, I've never actually used an animated sprite , but I know you can create a bunch of frames and play them back. If you're using the compositor and performance is a concern maybe that's an option. You could use it just for the animation part and use a more hi-Rez version when the object is static.
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06:37 AM
Re: Best way to DrawRotatedObject and DrawScaledObject toget
I've actually already implemented this with sprites, and it works fine, but I have to draw my own scaled sprites for each stage of shrinking, so I thought I might try the built-in scaling instead where I could do many more steps without making a zillion images.

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06:49 AM
Re: Best way to DrawRotatedObject and DrawScaledObject toget
Yea I'd rather do it without sprites too. If you can absorb the performance hit why not? As to your original question, since you are doing both things each pass, I can't see a reason why doing one before the other matters but there might be a small difference. Maybe make a little test and do each way 10000 times and see if there is a difference.
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06:52 AM
Re: Best way to DrawRotatedObject and DrawScaledObject toget
Hi Komag
Started a TextFX object a few months back but did not do much with it ( just had to get that grid done) . Your post reminded me of it. So here is what I have put together. Never really optimized it or looked at it much, but plan on addressing it sometime in the future so I probably will make changes. Anyway you can look at this and get some ideas. I believe this is something like you have in mind
I just hacked quickly at a demo so it is not my style or level of scrutiny but here it is. The left,right remote keys operate. Since it is fullsize from the start you need to start with the left key. I'm sure others can improve on it, but it's a start. ( Keep in mind 360 rotation may not be supported ). Also scale modes are set to 1.
Started a TextFX object a few months back but did not do much with it ( just had to get that grid done) . Your post reminded me of it. So here is what I have put together. Never really optimized it or looked at it much, but plan on addressing it sometime in the future so I probably will make changes. Anyway you can look at this and get some ideas. I believe this is something like you have in mind
I just hacked quickly at a demo so it is not my style or level of scrutiny but here it is. The left,right remote keys operate. Since it is fullsize from the start you need to start with the left key. I'm sure others can improve on it, but it's a start. ( Keep in mind 360 rotation may not be supported ). Also scale modes are set to 1.
Sub Main()
l_ds = CreateObject( "roDeviceInfo" ).GetDisplaySize()
l_dw = l_ds.w
l_dh = l_ds.h
l_bitmap = CreateBitmap()
l_screen = CreateObject( "roScreen", True, l_dw, l_dh )
l_port = CreateObject( "roMessagePort" )
l_screen.SetMessagePort( l_port )
l_screen.SetAlphaEnable( True )
l_screen.Clear( &hFFFFFFFF )
l_x = l_dw / 2 - l_bitmap.GetWidth() / 2
l_Y = l_dh / 2 - l_bitmap.GetHeight() / 2
l_screen.DrawObject( l_x, l_y, l_bitmap)
l_kp_BK = 0
l_kp_LT = 4
l_kp_RT = 5
l_isFullSize = True
while( True )
l_msg = l_port.GetMessage()
if type( l_msg ) = "roUniversalControlEvent"
l_index = l_msg.GetInt()
if l_index = l_kp_LT and l_isFullSize
ScaleRotate( l_screen, l_bitmap, l_x, l_y, False )
l_isFullSize = False
else if l_index = l_kp_RT and ( not l_isFullSize )
ScaleRotate( l_screen, l_bitmap, l_x, l_y )
l_isFullSize = True
else if l_index = l_kp_BK
exit while
end if
end if
end while
End Sub
Function ScaleRotate( a_screen As Object, a_bitmap As Object, a_x As Integer, a_y As Integer, a_isUp = True )
l_w = a_bitmap.GetWidth()
l_h = a_bitmap.GetHeight()
l_x = int( l_w / 2 )
l_y = int( l_h / 2 )
l_region1 = CreateObject( "roRegion", a_bitmap, 0, 0, l_w, l_h )
l_region1.SetScaleMode( 1 )
l_region1.SetPretranslation( -l_x, -l_y )
l_bitmap2 = CreateObject( "roBitmap", { width: l_w, height: l_h, AlphaEnable: True } )
l_region2 = CreateObject( "roRegion", l_bitmap2, 0, 0, l_w, l_h )
l_region2.SetScaleMode( 1 )
l_rgb = &hFFFFFF00
l_frames = 24
for l_i = 1 to l_frames
if a_isUP
l_scale = l_i / l_frames
l_scale = ( l_frames - l_i ) / l_frames
end if
l_j = 360 * l_scale
l_bitmap2.Clear( &h00000000 )
l_bitmap2.DrawRotatedObject( l_x, l_y, -l_j, l_region1 )
l_rgba = int( 255 * l_scale ) + l_rgb
l_x1 = ( l_w - int( l_w * l_scale ) ) / 2
l_y1 = ( l_h - int( l_h * l_scale ) ) / 2
a_screen.Clear( &hFFFFFFFF )
a_screen.DrawScaledObject( a_x + l_x1, a_y + l_y1, l_scale, l_scale, l_region2, l_rgba )
end for
End Function
Function CreateBitmap() As Object
l_bitmap = CreateObject( "roBitmap", { width: 300, height: 300, AlphaEnable: True } )
l_bitmap.Clear( &hFFFFFF00 )
l_font = CreateObject( "roFontRegistry" ).GetDefaultFont( 300, True, False )
l_w = l_font.GetOneLineWidth( "X", 300 )
l_h = l_font.GetOneLineHeight()
l_bitmap.DrawText( "X" , 150 - l_w / 2, 150 - l_h / 2, &h000000FF, l_font )
return l_bitmap
End Function
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11:04 AM
Re: Best way to DrawRotatedObject and DrawScaledObject toget
Ok my informal tests are in (clearly avoiding actual work) and the results are clear:
You can't tell its not butter! No dif-france!
I got zero difference by scaling first and then using drawRotatedobject or rotating first and using drawscaledobject.
On the test below ( scale first) i get 3333 or 3334 milliseconds every time on a roku3, same results with rotate first.
I will say rotating first is more complicated and needs an extra region and more complex math, at least how i did it.
All in all I'd definitely say scale first and draw rotated.
You can't tell its not butter! No dif-france!
I got zero difference by scaling first and then using drawRotatedobject or rotating first and using drawscaledobject.
On the test below ( scale first) i get 3333 or 3334 milliseconds every time on a roku3, same results with rotate first.
I will say rotating first is more complicated and needs an extra region and more complex math, at least how i did it.
All in all I'd definitely say scale first and draw rotated.
Sub Main()
screen=CreateObject("roScreen", true, 1280, 720)
fontreg = createobject("rofontregistry")
font = fontreg.GetDefaultFont(50, false, false)
elapsedtime = CreateObject("roTimespan")
scale = 400
theta = 0
testresult = "0"
regLoc = 0
bitscale = 1.0
bitloc = 0
bitty = CreateObject("roBitmap", {width:scale, height:scale, AlphaEnable:True})
bitty2 = CreateObject("roBitmap", {width:scale, height:scale, AlphaEnable:True})
bitty3 = CreateObject("roBitmap", {width:scale, height:scale, AlphaEnable:True})
bitty2.drawScaledobject( 100, 100, .5, .5, bitty3, &h0000FFFF)
bitty.drawobject( 0,0, bitty2)
reggie = CreateObject( "roRegion",bitty, regLoc, regLoc, scale, scale )
reggie.SetPretranslation( -scale/2, -scale/2)
while true
screen.drawtext( testresult, 50 , 50 , &h0000FFFF, font)
screen.drawRotatedobject( 640, 360, theta, reggie)
theta = theta + 3.6
if theta > 360
theta= 0
end if
if scaledirection
scale = scale -4 : regLoc = regLoc+1: bitscale = bitscale -.01: bitloc = bitloc +1
scale = scale +4 : regLoc = regLoc-1 : bitscale = bitscale +.01 : bitloc = bitloc -1
end if
if scale = 0
scaledirection = false
else if scale >= 400
scaledirection = true
testresult = elapsedtime.Totalmilliseconds().toStr()
end if
bitty.drawScaledobject( bitloc, bitloc, bitscale, bitscale, bitty2)
reggie = CreateObject( "roRegion",bitty, regLoc, regLoc, scale, scale )
reggie.SetPretranslation( -scale/2, -scale/2)
end while
End Sub
Kinetics Screensavers

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02:32 AM
Re: Best way to DrawRotatedObject and DrawScaledObject toget
Wow, thanks NewManLiving, that's impressive! It works great on my 2XS, but doesn't load (just black screen) on my N1100. Is that because only a few Roku models have the OpenGL?
SquirrelTown, I may just stick with the sprites, but if I do it this way I'll keep in mind to scale first, rotate second, to keep it more manageable, thanks for the test.
SquirrelTown, I may just stick with the sprites, but if I do it this way I'll keep in mind to scale first, rotate second, to keep it more manageable, thanks for the test.

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03:06 AM
Re: Best way to DrawRotatedObject and DrawScaledObject toget
I don't know the reason for the 1100. Don't have anything in that series
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