Forget about that nonworking link method. You'll have to reset the Roku device. Your channels previously installed are still memorized by Roku using your e-mail address. When the device boots back up it'll go through the process as if you just bought it, asking you your Roku e-mail and password. Skip over any prompts asking you what channels you'd like to install. You'll also need to re-pair your remote by holding down the tiny button on the back of the remote. Older units have the button under the battery compartment. You'll know you need to pair your remote because it won't work at first, then you'll be able to navigate the setup menus. Long story short, your old channels will install again automatically. Now you need to put the device in developer mode again. HOME HOME HOME UP UP LEFT RIGHT LEFT RIGHT. Give it time to make a button sound between each click. On the Roku website you'll need to probably enter your Roku developer/installer log in credentials (rokudev, {password}). Now to make things Much easier you'll need to REKEY the device the easy way. Find a recent .pkg file you made from your channel(s), and upload it from the Utilities menu of the Installer server (192.168.0.x) (rokudev/{password}) Upload the pkg, then click Rekey. Done. Now you can keep making channel packages that use the same registry on the users' devices.