I have question regarding to the purpose of app signing/packaging. My understanding of app signing is usually to ensure authenticity/integrity of the app.. However, both the docs and the behavior I observed suggests it may only perform encryption/integrity checking but nothing about authenticity.
Does the app signing/packaging provides authenticity of the app?
https://sdkdocs.roku.com/display/sdkdoc ... y+Overview"Applications which run on the player must be encrypted and signed using the developer's unique developer specific set of keys generated by the Roku Streaming Player in developer mode. Code signing is done automatically as part of generating a package and ensures the integrity of code. Application packages are also encrypted to ensure confidentiality of the source code."
However, I found out I can sign a different app using a totally different roku box/dev id/password and upload to the same channel and the box will happily install that app. I am not sure if I understand what does the app signing provide here? The only way to protect the authenticity of the app is to protect the username/password of the developer account?
I also read somewhere about the registry being wiped out if a different developer ID is used to sign the app. Does it mean the app signing provide a global key unique to this app to encrypt the app's specific registry? That sounds very different from app signing to me.