same error with a link that works:
{ "providerName": "", "lastUpdated": "2022-12-3T10:38:28+00:00", "language": "en", "movies": [{ "id": "b027b874-1002-4e6b-a37b-16a720146fd6", "title": "Commands Of The Messiah - Part 32", "content":[{ "dateAdded": "2022-03-26T18:04:42", "videos": [{ "url": "", "quality": "HD", "videoType": "MP4", "bitrate": "1900", "duration": 10800 }] }], "genres": [ "educational" ], "rating": { "rating": "UNRATED", "ratingSource": "USA_PR" }, "tags": [""], "thumbnail": "", "releaseDate": "2022-03-26T18:04:42", "shortDescription": "Sorry, this Archive currently has no Description", "longDescription": "Sorry, this Archive currently has no Description", "categories": [{"name": "Latest","order": "most_recent","query": "live OR"}] } ]}
I do have duration too, so I have zero idea what is wrong
Please refer to my earlier post. Your original feed file has syntax errors. You've coded the Content field as an array because you used "[". It should be an object that uses "{". Here's the example from the Roku doc...
{ "id": "1509428502952", "title": "The Amazing Short-form Video", "content": { ... }, "thumbnail": "", "shortDescription": "Astonishing short-form video", "releaseDate": "2016-01-01" }
The syntax does make a difference when coding your feed file. That's why it's important not to code it manually using an editor like notepad. It's too error prone.
I am actually using Visual Studio code to edit it, And it tell me the syntax errors.
I still get an error, although its changed:
when I put this into the channel, it doesn't work, it does ingest though