It appears that there are no Roku remotes that will skip at exactly 30 second intervals (or 15 or 20 sec). Does anyone know of a Universal remote that you can program to your Roku TV that he does have a skip function with specific interval? also can anyone make recommendations in general on universal remotes for Roku TV that have more functions then the Roku remote? thanks
It would be app dependent at best. The default behavior for the right arrow button is to skip in 10 second increments with each click, but many apps (like Hulu and Youtube) do whatever they want with the buttons.
I tried clicking the right arrow button on my Roku remote with one click and it just fast forwards forever to the end of the program. Sadly it does not stop.
I just got Spectrum on my roku TV just a few days ago. I was wondering if I got an HD box Instead of using the app, would I get a remote with that box that replaces this Roku remote? And maybe that remote has a skip function?
All the Roku can do is relay your playback control key presses on to the channel app you are showing at the time. What the app does with them depends on what the app's programmers (be they at Spectrum, Prime, Hulu, etc.) wrote into it.
If you get the cable company's box, you connect it directly to the TV on its own HDMI port, bypassing the Roku altogether. Whether the Spectrum remote has universal features that allow it to control additional devices like a Roku other than the TV I don't know.