It's not just Xfinity live. I had the issue watching the History channel on the Xfinity app.
Were you watching the History Channel on the XFinity Streaming App live TV (History Channel), or the actual History Channel streaming App?
as of 6/9/23 mine is doing it more and more and have also lost channel guide and have to reset constantly.
I'll chime in as well. I've been experiencing the same frustrating issue watching the Xfinity stream app. I was using a Roku Ultra, but recently bought a Roku stick, thinking maybe my Ultra was going bad after trying all of the fixes recommended on line. The Roku stick was no better... same issues. The problem has gotten significantly worse over the last couple of months. I truly hope that someone IS working on this problem and that it will get resolved soon.
I switched to a competitor’s stick (fire) and no issues. There is also a ~20 sec delay on the Roku vs. fire stick. Don’t know why Roku devices have such a delay?
I am giving up on this problem of audio going out of sync between Xfinity and my Roku devices. Will getting an Amazon Fire Stick solve the problem? I am ready to spend money to get rid of this issue since Roku can't seem to resolve it.
Amazon product doesn’t have syncing problems. It also doesn’t have a delay. But, use your roku device for “casting” from your iphone, ipad, etc.
Switching to Firestick , this roku issue is beyond annoying.
Hi Roku Support,
You must be aware of all the comments on this message forum indicating many of your users are jumping ship and ditching their Roku devices for competitor's systems.
Don't you think that it might be in your best interest to respond to everyone with some kind of update on the progress Roku tech support has made and an expected timeline for when this will be fixed, before you loose everyone?
Please get someone within your company with the technical background and the authority to communicate to your customers providing a time line for the resolution?
After at least 6 months I gave up waiting for a fix from both companies and about 2 weeks ago I tried the fire tv stick 4k and running the Xfinity app. I have not had any audio issues. The product owners from both companies just don't seem to care. If for some reason it is a hardware issue that cannot be fixed by a software update then offer your users some substantial discount on an upgrade once your fix it. You are going to lose a lot of your long time user base now that others are also switching products to get around this issue.