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Channel Surfer

Re: home page channel icons disappearing

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All four of my roku devices and the tv's they are plugged into have had a "factory reset".  But all four devices still have this problem:  no channels/app icons on the home page menue.  Tried all the fixes recommended but nothing helps.

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Channel Surfer

Re: home page channel icons disappearing

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Your suggestions did not fix the problem.   Tried all the things suggested by customer service but the channel icons still disappear.

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Channel Surfer

Re: Channel tiles missing from Home Screen

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Factory resets did not solve the problem for me.

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Channel Surfer

Re: Channel tiles missing from Home Screen

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Factory resets on all four of my roku devices did not work for me.  Still have missing channel tiles (icons).

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Streaming Star

Re: Channel tiles missing from Home Screen

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check your software number and most importantly build number.  you may have to wait until your tv gets the correct update which i got today.... finally.

The missing or greyed out tile icons and missing tv guide issue is officially resolved - FOR NOW - but only after software build # 4172-88 but it does NOT come as a software update but as a channel app update where the first 2 updates are no name app updates.

So, Software 12.5.0 Build 4172 - NO FIX, icons and tv guide still missing

But, Software 12.5.0 Build 4172-88 - YES, fixed

I have 3 Tv's fixed to 4172-88 but i still have 2 Tv's stuck on 4172

But.... with 4172-88 you are converted to a 4 grid wide app icon menu so the app icons are smaller and there is a whole other topic on this support site people dont like it.  Also with 4172-88 you get the continue watching icons above the app icons.  those have come and gone over the last 2 weeks.

So, as i suspected and posted earlier this has been a GUI menu design mess up from Roku developers all along.  Not a network issue but a graphical design error that has caused this problem to linger into it's 3rd week.  Unacceptable to have Tv's unwatchable for that long.

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Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Re: Channel tiles missing from Home Screen

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Hi, @walkoffhomerun!

When looking at version numbers, the main release is 12.5.0, as you noted.  The four digit number is a build number, and the two digit suffix indicates the hardware platform the build is for.  So, 4172 and 4172-88 are the same version of software, just one is for hardware ID 88.

Home screen updates are now delivered separately from the Roku OS firmware releases.  There's no connection between the version of 12.5.0 that you have and what home screen features are visible. We've been working on a variety of ways to customize the home screen experience and make it more useful to users, and you're seeing one of those tests right now with the four-across layout.

The home screen loading problem is something we're actively investigating.  We don't want users to be frustrated or not able to get to their content, and fixing this is a top priority of the home screen software team.

Streaming Star

Re: Channel tiles missing from Home Screen

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all i can tell you is i have 2 identical tv's and when going into the info screen the one that has NOT been updated and the icons and live tv guide are still missing has only 4172.  The other TV that updated this morning with the icons and live tv guide fixed shows 4172-88 and it is NOT a software update on screen it is a channel app update with the first 2 being no names shown and then any other app updates after that show their names.

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Reel Rookie

Re: Channel tiles missing from Home Screen

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Great, thank you for this update.

Separately, is there an article page listing of any Firmware or App version changes?  

Thank you, I believe the community will benefit if they understood more why they come to the Roku community to get somewhat of an understanding.

As you can tell the community notices this change as it wasn’t subtle.




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Community Moderator
Community Moderator

Re: Channel tiles missing from Home Screen

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Roku doesn't post lists of changes outside of our major version announcements.

The developer notes for 12.5 are at, while the feature changelog is at  Note that this list includes both firmware changes and changes to Roku services delivered through other methods.


Roku Guru

Re: Channel tiles missing from Home Screen

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@RokuBen   It may be nice in the future to include in these developer notes, a simplified version of what the casual viewer will notice different in the software change/update. (may answer a lot of these questions).   I functional test software, as part of my job & write changes up or how features work, sometimes everything isn't caught either.  I sometimes read over our developer notes myself.  

I also notice changes occurring, then disappearing & reappearing without a software change or update when I check.  Not sure if something is possibly being activated (semi-updates?) on your end when this happens.




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