Hello my roku onn tv dim for some reason.
I was watching YouTube but them the lighting started to dim and become hard to see.
Do you guys have any problems like this and know how to fix it pls reply!
Hi, @The18under
Thanks for posting, and welcome to the Roku Community.
We are sorry to hear about the issue you've encountered with your Onn Roku TV. May we know if this issue only occurs while accessing YouTube, or happens generally on your TV display?
If it happens throughout your TV, it might be that there's a hardware issue with the TV display itself. We would recommend performing a system restart to resolve the issue. To do this, kindly navigate to Settings > System > Power (skip if no sub-menu) > System Restart. After this, kindly check to see if you're still seeing the same issue.
If the issue persists, we recommend contacting Onn's support directly and inquiring further about the issue so a workaround will be provided on their end with their TV models.
Keep us posted on what you find out.
All the best,
Hi, @The18under
Thanks for posting, and welcome to the Roku Community.
We are sorry to hear about the issue you've encountered with your Onn Roku TV. May we know if this issue only occurs while accessing YouTube, or happens generally on your TV display?
If it happens throughout your TV, it might be that there's a hardware issue with the TV display itself. We would recommend performing a system restart to resolve the issue. To do this, kindly navigate to Settings > System > Power (skip if no sub-menu) > System Restart. After this, kindly check to see if you're still seeing the same issue.
If the issue persists, we recommend contacting Onn's support directly and inquiring further about the issue so a workaround will be provided on their end with their TV models.
Keep us posted on what you find out.
All the best,
It happen while watching YouTube
Thanks for keeping us posted, @The18under.
If the issue is persistent on the YouTube app only, we suggest that you navigate with the app to look for additional options to change the display settings. To do this, just click on the star button on your remote. For further support, you can also reach out to YouTube support. They'll surely be able to assist with their app's functionality on the Roku platform.
Let us know if you need further clarification.