Tonight while viewing a show on the Roku app there was a BET commercial that had the F word in it.
This is very inappropriate especially during the early evening (before 8pm) when families are viewing when their children can hear this! Roku please take this ad off your channels! Parents should not have to worry about their children hearing filthy language like that while trying to watch family viewing on your app! I was very disappointed seeing and hearing this tonight. How or where can this be reported if this is not the correct place?
Frankly. I hear what you are saying. Will reporting it anywhere do any good. I doubt it. It's a streaming ad so, don't even bother with an FCC complaint. They only have authority over things that are broadcast over the air. If it was a BET ad I'd suggest reporting it to BET. Good luck.
Rather than enforcement, feedback matters. Consumers turn away from things they don't like, and Roku will lose customers over time if they do not respond. The ad mentioned is in appropriate, and if Roku does not provide for feedback on ads such as that, in time they will limit themselves to customers who accept anything, which is a very limited set of people.
I've also heard this BET ad out of nowhere. At no time in my TV viewing have I ever heard such outrageous language to promote a channel. I said to my wife, "Did I hear that right? Did they just say the F word?" WHAT ARE THEY THINKING?!! THEY HAVE INAPPROPRIATE CONTENT IN MULTIPE ADS- The Marriage Pact and an ad where a guy keeps dropping a concrete block on someone! They've lost their minds!
Totally disgusting! We were watching leave it to Beaver with our young children when this ad came on. Shame on you Roku!
Just as information, not to pass judgement: Vice President Cheney used that word on the floor (or from the podium) of the US Senate a good two decades ago, more or less.
My interpretation is that for better or worse the word has passed into common conversational useage as a non-sexual term of emphasis. It's been said that this usage is now also found in dictionaries (although I've not tried to confirm that).
My 2 year old was watching Happy Feet (rated PG) on the Roku Channel, and an ad came on for Heart Eyes, a horror R rated movie. There were scary masks and images of murder in the add. I contacted Roku support and they said there is nothing they can do about it, and nothing that I can do to block these ads. This is ridiculous and so inappropriate. I think the only solution is to forget about the Roku Channel for kids.