Are you sure you are selecting the correct "Live TV"?
Do not select Live TV from the left side menu. (those are streaming channels).
Select the Live TV "Input" icon that is on the Home Screen. Better yet, go to Settings/TV Inputs/Rename and rename this Input to "Antenna TV". Then look for the "Antenna TV" Input on your Home Screen so as to distinguish it from everything else Roku calls Live TV.
If you want to see just the Antenna Channels and no Streaming Channels when selecting the Antenna TV Input, you can "Hide" them from Settings/TV Inputs/Manage Channels/Hide Streaming Channels.
Roku Community Streaming Expert
Just another Roku user... I am not a Roku employee.
Insignia RokuTV, Ultra 4660, 4802, 4850, Premiere+ 3921, Express 4k+ 3941, Streambar 9102