Yes, you're right. The REGULAR (American Horrors) channel was off for the last 10 to 14 days, but it is running again now.
(Today is 11/25/24). (8:07 pm CENTRAL time) and (American Horrors) regular streaming channel is now NOT WORKING or LOADING. Anyone else noticed this?
Hi, Yes I did notice this, when I tried to watch this morning. All I get is one "bar" for loading and it then just hangs there. I had quit updating here on Roku Message as nobody from Roku seems to give a s**t. I have tried numerous times to contact the owner of these channel(s) with no replies since last February or so. American Horror's Classic channel is still off the air and he hasn't updated his Facebook page there since October. Some one asked him about the status of that channel and he didn't even give the person the courtesy of a reply. Since I'm not on Facebook, I can't try that option but his email address is posted on both Facebook pages, and he doesn't reply to those either. His Facebook page on American Horror's Channel is just a way to sell his "comic books".
Yes, I get the same as you. One or two bars that just hang there and never load. I just noticed this happening today. Up until today it's been working,..but not now.