Broadband works for laptop.
Shows excellent when I try to connect, but code says the password is wrong - it isn't.
Done repeated resetting, unplugging everything - nothing works.
It worked for months, and I haven't changed anything.
I just use a laptop which works fine, just as the TV did for months.
Just found a different password, instead of the admin p/w I use to connect my laptop (and previously the TV) - and it now works!
No idea what stopped it working, or why it needed a different password.
Are you using special characters in the password? Some devices don't like certain characters in the password.
Also, try having the TV forget the network.
Thanks for your reply. No, just letters and numbers.
Please can you explain 'forget the network'?
It searches for them.
Forgetting the network is a setting usually in the network settings of the TV that erases the old settings that it had before so you can set it up again. Sometimes the old settings cause issues for some reason or another.
How old is the TV?
Depending on the age of the TV/device, it may struggle to connect to a mixed wireless network and/or new security protocols. If you can, try setting up a guest network with 2.4 GHZ only and WPA2 security.
Another possibility is that there is a hardware problem in the TV, but if it is seeing the network or other networks, then that is not likely. Make sure you have the exact password with capitalization and all that.
I don't know ehere to find that?
Less than a year old, and broadband router just over a year old.
It connected perfectly from new, but just stopped working for no reason.
Typically it is found by
Pressing Home on your Roku remote
Select Settings
Select Network
See if there is an option to forget network.
I would also suggest checking to see if there is a firmware update available for both your TV and your router. New routers tend to have updates fairly quickly after being released due to stability issues.
There isn't, just scan again to view all options - same appears as excellent.
I'd updated just before it stopped, now I can't with no internet access.
Did you also check your router for any firmware update?
@ls123This may be a stretch but its worth checking. If you haven't already, install and app like WiFi Analyzer for Android or something similar if you have an iPhone. Then tap it open and view how many others use the same channel/band and log into the router and choose one with less congestion. If the channel selection on the router is set to 'auto', its possible that's the problem.
Since you don't mention which model/firmware you use on the Roku, troubleshooting is being compromised. The more information you share, the easier it is to provide solutions..or ideas for them anyway
The router works because there isn't a problem with my laptop.