I have two Roku Express and they’re barely two years old. They both were working fine then about six hours ago both stopped connecting to the internet. I unplugged both router and Roku’s gave it time to reset then replugged them in. For the past six hours I cannot get my Roku’s to connect to my internet and it cannot be the internet because the WiFi connects perfectly to all other devices such as iPhones, iPads, computers, and all other electronics except for the Roku’s. Please help me figure this out besides the answers that are posted everywhere on here and the internet. Something that actually works. Also I tried resetting my password on my internet and still did not connect to just the Roku’s. Thank you so much.
Determine your Roku Express model number from Settings/System/About on your Roku device.
If your Roku Express is anything other than model 3960, you will need to verify that your 2.4ghz band is working/enabled. If you have a cable ISP (Xfinity/Comcast. AT&T, Cox, or Spectrum) verify that your "Wireless Mode" under the 2.4 ghz settings in your router is set to b/g/n. (all three protocols).
After making the changes above, restart both the router and the Roku device again.
Feel free to post back if the above is not applicable and still having issues.
Thanks for contacting us!
It looks like you’ve hit error code 014.30, which means your Roku is having trouble connecting to Wi-Fi. This usually happens because of a weak signal or router issues. Here are some steps you might try:
To restart your Roku device, press the Home button, then navigate to Settings > System > Power. If there is no Power submenu, select System restart. To restart your router, unplug it from the outlet for 10 seconds before plugging it back in. You may click here to learn a few steps to improve your Wi-Fi or wireless internet.
Furthermore, you may check out this article on fixing internet errors and issues on your Roku streaming device.
Let me know if you need more help.
Roku Community Team
Hi @JodiP1983,
Thank you for your first post here in the Roku Community!
We want to investigate your issue with the Roku Express since it could not connect to your internet. Can you please provide the following information below?
In the meantime, you may check out this support article here on fixing internet errors and issues on your Roku streaming device.
Determine your Roku Express model number from Settings/System/About on your Roku device.
If your Roku Express is anything other than model 3960, you will need to verify that your 2.4ghz band is working/enabled. If you have a cable ISP (Xfinity/Comcast. AT&T, Cox, or Spectrum) verify that your "Wireless Mode" under the 2.4 ghz settings in your router is set to b/g/n. (all three protocols).
After making the changes above, restart both the router and the Roku device again.
Feel free to post back if the above is not applicable and still having issues.
Device will not connect to any wifi network. I did a full reset twice and tried it on three different routers.
Interestingly the onboard network adapter works.
I believe that my router is broadcasting on the channels that Roku is compatible with. All my other Roku's connect to my home wifi. I have read ever post and faq I can find but nothing has solved the problem.
I am at a loss on this one. I think the hardware for the wifi adapter might be faulty.
Error code this time is 014.30 but I have seen 014.40 and 014.50
Roku device model: 4802X
Serial number: S0DC222G7PV4
Device ID: TC2-R1036
Software OS/version: 13.1.4 build 1510-C2
Couple of quick things to try.
1. Are you able to connect to a mobile hotspot (if available to you)?
2. Try changing the password for both the 2.4ghz and 5ghz bands. (use a simple password with no special characters. ie.abcd1234)
3. Verify you are not using any mobile apps with your routers that are pausing/preventing connection to your network.
Try using some default router configurations.
2.4ghz band
wireless channel = 1, 6, or 11
wireless mode = b/g/n (use all three speed protocols)
bandwidth/channel width = 20mhz
security = WPA2-Personal (PSK) with AES encryption (avoid Enterprise or TKIP)
password = avoid special characters
5 ghz band
wireless channel = 36-48 or 149-161 (avoid any DFS channels for troubleshooting 100-148)
wireless mode = n/AC (avoid AX for troubleshooting as non-compatible)
bandwidth/channel width = 40mhz or 40/80mhz
security = WPA2-Personal (PSK) with AES encryption (avoid Enterprise or TKIP). Not compatible with WPA3.
password = avoid special characters
The above should give you a good starting point. Feel free to post back with router model numbers and ISP if still having issues and report back if any change (better or worse) by adjusting settings or using the mobile hotspot/alternate network. Also, make sure you are not using any additional access points, extenders, or switches during the troubleshooting.
Thank you for the detailed response. I have made fixing this Roku a side project as I recently bought two of the Pro TVs.
1. Roku is also unable to connect to hotspots.
2. I have tried the simplest passwords I can think of. I have also tried no passwords at all.
3. This question about mobile apps got me thinking about the Android app for Roku. Nothing in there that I can find other than Guest mode that might interfere.
I did notice through one of the secret menus that the device at some point was assigned a static IP address from a router that doesn't match mine. I wonder if the cable modem is somehow interfering as the address the Roku was statically assigned matches the cable modem dhcp addresses. So do a thousand other devices.
I don't have the option of not including ax ac be for the wireless channel mode on both spectrums. The router is a fully updated TP-Link Tri-Band BE19000, Archer GE800 Gaming Router.
5g band is at channel 40 currently.
I had a hybrid WPA3 and WPA2(AES) security setup. Switched to WPA2(AES) but the Roku still won't connect.
I will go through your response again as soon as I am able to. Thank you for the support!
Thank you so much I did check all of that yesterday and everything was fine except for I had it on auto to pick the best strength of GHz. I didn’t see any issue with changing it to individual for me to choose which one because for the past two years it’s work that way but I decided what can it hurt to try it at least I wouldn’t be any worse off than I currently am. So I went in and changed my internet to 2.4GHz and 5GHz so I could choose which one to use. Voila it worked when I switched to the 2.4GHz. Thank you so very much for solving my very frustrating problem for me.
So I brought the Roku to my office and it connected flawlessly to a Comcast Business Class router.
@timothypcook Out of curiosity, have you tried installing WiFi Analyzer for Android or something similar if you use an iPhone? I ask since connectivity issues are often due to channel congestion so once the app is installed you'll see how many others are on the same channel. Since its evident you know about routers/modems, you can log into the router and switch to a channel with less congestion. Hope that helps
Since you were able to connect to your office router, go to Settings/Networks/About and see what wireless channel you are currently using. Also make a note of your IP Address, Gateway, and the Wireless MAC address.
Other than the Wireless MAC address, you can feel free to post here what the channel number, IP address and Gateway are. (this will let us know what band you are connected to as well as the LAN IP addresses that are now stored in the Roku device).
Additionally, try connecting to a mobile hotspot again now that you have had success connecting to an alternative network. (try connecting while you are still at this work location). Kind of trying to determine if your mobile hotspot may not be working.
To address your responses.
With this router, the only way to configure each band's mode independently is to disable "Smart Connect" under the Wireless Settings. When Smart Connect is enabled, both the 2.4ghz and 5ghz will use the same settings (where appropriate). It is a typical mesh-router feature.
If you disable Smart Connect, you should now see the ability to change the 5ghz Mode to exclude AX (wifi6) and be(wifi7). You don't really need to exclude AX, we just need the ability to include AC (wifi5).
However, let's hold off on changing those settings for now. Instead, try creating a Guest Network. Do one for the 2.4ghz band and see if Roku connects. Then create one for the 5ghz and see if Roku connects. When you are setting the password type, select "Encrypted" or "No Security" (just for troubleshooting), and not "Portal". Also, make sure to uncheck "Hide SSID" (appears enabled by default).
I would start with No Security first, and then try with Encrypted. (trying to determine here where the culprit is).
Make sure to restart both the router and the Roku device after creating the Guest Network(s).
Feel free to report back with the above information and your progress. Once you can get the Roku to connect, we can fine-tune the regular network settings if you prefer.