@Tp7While I can't guarantee this is the remedy, connectivity problems are often due to channel congestion. If you haven't yet, I recommend installing WiFi Analyzer for Android, or if you use Apple, something similar from the app store. Once installed check to see how many others are using the same channel/band then log into the router and switch to channels that are less congested. Best of success regardless
Power User (film maker)
Mill Valley, CA
Roku Ultra 4800R; LG OLED55B7A, ONKYO TX-NR636, Panasonic Blu Ray, Definitive Studio Monitor 450 (L/R), Definitive LCR 2000 (center), Definitive 10" sub-woofer, Definitive surrounds. Motorola MB8600 modem. Asus RT-AX68U WiFi 6 router. Western Digital Power Line network adapters