I have a Windows 11 mini-PC connected to a monitor. By switching HDMI inputs, I can go from Windows 11 to a Roku Stick. Video setup works perfectly.
Audio, not so much.
I can sit in a recliner with my Voice-supported Roku Remote Control and watch whatever I want, *but* I have no control over audio volume. If I want to adjust the volume on my Logitech speakers, I have to get up and adjust the volume on the speaker.
What I really want is way to control volume from the Roku stick.
I figure a solution is a longshot, but if anyone has a solution, it might be someone in this forum.
Finally, as far as I know, I can't even buy a Roku sound bar to solve this problem, as a Roku sound bar won't work with my Roku stick setup. If I am wrong, please tell me!
There's no way to control the volume of your Logitech speakers with a Roku remote and there's no way to control a Roku stick (that plugs directly into a TV without the need for an HDMI cable) with a universal remote, so you're kind of stuck.
Roku Streambars (not the Roku Soundbar which only works with Roku TVs) have a Roku device and speakers builtin, so there would be no need for the stick. It might be your best option. The other option I can think of is to get a non-stick Roku device that can be controlled with a universal remote that can also control the volume of your speakers assuming the speakers can be controlled with a remote.
Just wanted to add to "assuming the speakers can be controlled with a remote."
Unless your speakers came with a remote, or advertise that they work with a remote, then there is a good chance that they can not be controlled that way. In the "TV world" most stuff expects you to be far away so they give you a remote. In the "computer world" most stuff assumes you are within arms reach of it. (But there are exceptions.)