Unable to sign in
The email address or password provided does not match our records.
Issue Report Tracker
Model: 3810X Roku Streaming Sticck+
Serial Number: YH008W789936 (C13838789936)
GC Version: 12.11.13
Time Stamp; 2025-02-06T12:35:00Z
Issue id: 36-052-595
Try doing a password reset.
Tried password reset several times and tried to create new account.
What apps are you specifically trying to log into? Did you subscribe to those apps with the same login information or different?
Are you trying to login to a Roku specific app (whether Roku directly or a channel you paid through Roku for and is part of their package) or one that you subscribed individually to?
Do you have multiple devices with multiple accounts? Do you use different email addresses for those device and/or apps
Are you sure you are using the same account information to login?
All that I am trying to do is login to my account with the same login that I have for my.roku.com. I have only one device.
My Rokus have always sent me an email to click on. I don't recall ever having to "login" on the Roku itself.
Right now I am a guest on the app because I can't login.
@rdwray1, are you trying to log into the mobile app on your phone or some app on your Roku device? If it's the mobile app, have you tried removing it and reinstalling it?
I am working with the mobile app on my phone as in my first post and I have tried reinstalling it a couple of times
Just checking. I didn't see anywhere that you specifically said it was the mobile app and I don't think an "Issue ID" applies to anything doesn't happen on the device itself. What's the version of the mobile app and are you in the US or somewhere else?