Does anyone else have the issue of having to reset their Roku express everyday even more than once a day. I bought my son one this summer and we have had to reset it multiple times a day. Very tiring to have to go in constantly set my WiFi password then re log in into all of our streaming channels. Anyone have a fix to it.
Sounds like WiFi channel congestion..install WiFi Analyzer for Android or something similar if you use an iPhone then open the app and take note of how many others are using the same channel. Log into the router and switch to one with less congestion. If you use provider modem/router its likely channel selection is using the default 'auto' setting which is often the problem since its unable to determine congestion
@wL2016, how are you powering it? If you're using the TV's USB port, try a USB power adapter/charger from a phone or tablet that can supply at least 1 Amp plugged into the wall.