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video Seek time not working

I am playing pre and mid roll ads in my video. i set mid roll ad interval of 5 min (300 seconds)
after playing the mid-roll ads, instead of showing video from 301 seconds onward, it shows from 0 seconds, i providing the time correctly, but do not know what going one

i increment the variable "video_playback_time" and "ad_frequency_count" by each second. when "ad_frequency_count" i is greaten than equal to ad interval,
i play the mid-roll ads, then reset the "ad_frequency_count" to zero, once ads is complete, i am showing same video by providing "video_playback_time" in seconds.
In "get_video_object" function i am converting seek time into milliseconds.
video.Seek (seek_time * 1000) 'providing time in milliseconds

Function get_video_object (content_info, port, seek_time = 0)

video = CreateObject("roVideoScreen")
video.SetPositionNotificationPeriod (1)
video.SetContent (content_info)
video.SetCGMS (4)
video.SetMessagePort (port)
video.Seek (seek_time * 1000) 'providing time in miliseconds
video.Show ()
return video
End Function

Function displayVideo(mainMenu as integer,subMenu as integer,isFeatured as integer)
print "---displayVideo---"

m.adsEnabled = true
m.ad_interval_sec = 300

if (m.BitRate = Invalid) then
m.BitRate = 800
end if

if (m.BitRate.toInt() > 900) then
m.BitRate = 900
end if

url = m.url + "?roku_device_id=" + m.device_id

port = CreateObject("roMessagePort")
videoclip = CreateObject("roAssociativeArray")

if (m.download_url = "" or m.download_url = Invalid) then
url = m.url + "?roku_device_id=" + m.device_id
videoclip.StreamFormat = "hls"
urls = m.Url
videoclip.StreamUrls = [url]
url = m.download_url
videoclip.StreamFormat = "mp4"
videoclip.StreamUrls = [url]
end if

videoclip.SDBifUrl = m.bif_sd_url
videoclip.HDBifUrl = m.bif_hd_url
videoclip.StreamQualities = ["SD"]
videoclip.minBandwidth = 10
videoclip.StreamBitrates = [m.BitRate]
videoclip.SDBifUrl = m.bif_sd_url
videoclip.HDBifUrl = m.bif_hd_url

REM Show Preroll
if m.adsEnabled then
canvas = show_canvas (port)
show_ad (port)
ad_frequency_count = 0
end if

REM Show video
video_playback_time = 0
video = get_video_object (videoclip, port)

if m.url <> "NOURL" then
while true
msg = wait(0, port)
if type (msg) = "roVideoScreenEvent" then
if msg.isScreenClosed () then
print "screen closed"
exit while
else if msg.isStreamStarted () then
print msg.GetMessage ()
if m.adsEnabled then
canvas.SetLayer (1, {color: "#00000000", CompositionMode: "Source"})
end if
else if msg.isPlaybackPosition () then
video_playback_time = video_playback_time + 1
REM Play midroll every ad_interval_sec

if m.adsEnabled and ad_frequency_count >= m.ad_interval_sec then
ad_frequency_count = 0
video.Close ()
print "starting midroll ad"
show_ad (port)
print "after midroll ad"
canvas = show_canvas (port)
video = get_video_object (videoclip, port, video_playback_time )
video.SetDestinationRect (canvas.GetCanvasRect ())
end if
if m.adsEnabled
ad_frequency_count = ad_frequency_count + 1
end if
end if
end if
end while
end if
End Function

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Roku Employee
Roku Employee

Re: video Seek time not working

I don't remember for sure, but you may have to call Seek() after Show() or even after playback starts.

For mid-rolls, a better approach might be to use the playStart attribute of your content-meta-data instead of Seek().
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Re: video Seek time not working

Solved this seek time issue for providing time in
videoclip.PlayStart = seekTime 

where seekTime in seconds rather than in mili-seconds

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