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roku brightscript benchmark suite...

i started side project to port over about 40 computer language benchmarks,,, ect., to roku brightscript to see how much performance difference between last and new, will release as soon as i have framework and first benchmark running (hopefully late tonight/tomorrow morning), its 11:35 pm est here.

still working on emulator, just got new roku 2 it's faster, so i wanted to see how much faster, also good way to learn bright script.
0 Kudos

Re: roku brightscript benchmark suite...

ok below is my first Roku BrightScript program... the benchmark suite harness and first benchmark, sieve

in the days to come i will be porting/adding to the suite around 40 other benchmarks which I got from
(and other websites)

sub sieve(n)
flags = CreateObject("roArray", 8192 + 1, true)

count = 0

while n > 0
n = n - 1

count = 0

for i = 2 to 8192
flags[i] = true
end for

for i = 2 to 8192
if (flags[i])
' remove all multiples of prime: i
for k = i + i to 8192 step i
flags[k] = false
end for

count = count + 1
end if
end for
end while
end sub

sub RunBenchmarks()
benchmarks = {sieve:100}

screen = CreateObject("roParagraphScreen")
port = CreateObject("roMessagePort")

screen.SetTitle("Benchmark Suite")

screen.AddButton(1, "Close")


dialog = CreateObject("roOneLineDialog")
dialog.SetTitle("Running benchmarks ...")

for each benchmark in benchmarks
value = benchmarks[benchmark]

dialog.SetTitle("Running benchmark " + benchmark + "(" + Stri(value) + ") ...")

st = UpTime(0)
Eval(benchmark + "(" + Stri(value) + ")")
et = UpTime(0)

screen.AddHeaderText(benchmark + "(" + Stri(value) + "): " + Str(et-st))
end for


closed = false

' event loop
while true
msg = wait(0, port) ' wait for an event

if type(msg) = "roParagraphScreenEvent"
if msg.isButtonPressed()
buttonIndex = msg.GetIndex()

if buttonIndex = 1
exit while
end if
else if msg.isScreenClosed()
exit while
end if
end if
end while

end sub

sub DisplayMainScreen()
screen = CreateObject("roParagraphScreen")
port = CreateObject("roMessagePort")

screen.SetTitle("Benchmark Suite")

screen.AddButton(1, "Start")
screen.AddButton(2, "Close")


' event loop
while true
msg = wait(0, port) ' wait for an event

if type(msg) = "roParagraphScreenEvent"
if msg.isButtonPressed()
buttonIndex = msg.GetIndex()

if buttonIndex = 1
exit while
end if
else if msg.isScreenClosed()
exit while
end if
end if
end while

' anytime all screens within a channel are closed, the channel will exit
end sub

sub Main()
end sub
0 Kudos

Re: roku brightscript benchmark suite...

ok today i expanded my benchmark suite by adding numerous benchmarks to test integer, float, double, boolean and string operators. I even found a bug 😉

Hopefully, tomorrow I hope to add benchmarks for individual BrightScript builtin functions.

Then I still have like 40 comprehensive benchmarks to port to BrightScript...

Happy computing...

sub bench(n)
end sub

sub sieve(n)
flags = CreateObject("roArray", 8192 + 1, true)

count = 0

while n > 0
n = n - 1

count = 0

for i = 2 to 8192
flags[i] = true
end for

for i = 2 to 8192
if (flags[i])
' remove all multiples of prime: i
for k = i + i to 8192 step i
flags[k] = false
end for

count = count + 1
end if
end for
end while
end sub

sub integerAssignmentOperator(n%)
r% = 1%

for i% = 1% to n%
r% = i%
end for
end sub

sub integerArithmeticAdditionOperator(n%)
r% = 1%

for i% = 1% to n%
r% = r% + i%
end for
end sub

sub integerArithmeticSubtractOperator(n%)
r% = 1%

for i% = 1% to n%
r% = r% - i%
end for
end sub

sub integerArithmeticMultiplicationOperator(n%)
r% = 1%

for i% = 1% to n%
r% = r% * i%
end for
end sub

sub integerArithmeticDivisionOperator(n%)
r% = 1%

for i% = 1% to n%
r% = r% / i%
end for
end sub

sub integerArithmeticExponentiationOperator(n%)
r% = 1%

for i% = 1% to n%
r% = r% ^ i%
end for
end sub

sub integerUnaryPlusOperator(n%)
r% = 1%

for i% = 1% to n%
r% = +i%
end for
end sub

sub integerUnaryNegationOperator(n%)
r% = 1%

for i% = 1% to n%
r% = -i%
end for
end sub

sub integerComparisonLessThanOperator(n%)
r% = 1%

for i% = 1% to n%
b = r% < i%
end for
end sub

sub integerComparisonGreaterThanOperator(n%)
r% = 1%

for i% = 1% to n%
b = r% > i%
end for
end sub

sub integerComparisonLessThanOrEqualToOperator(n%)
r% = 1%

for i% = 1% to n%
b = r% <= i%
end for
end sub

sub integerComparisonGreaterThanOrEqualToOperator(n%)
r% = 1%

for i% = 1% to n%
b = r% >= i%
end for
end sub

sub integerComparisonEqualToOperator(n%)
r% = 1%

for i% = 1% to n%
b = r% = i%
end for
end sub

sub integerComparisonNotEqualToOperator(n%)
r% = 1%

for i% = 1% to n%
b = r% <> i%
end for
end sub

sub integerBitwiseAndOperator(n%)
r% = 1%

for i% = 1% to n%
r% = r% and i%
end for
end sub

sub integerBitwiseOrOperator(n%)
r% = 1%

for i% = 1% to n%
r% = r% or i%
end for
end sub

sub integerBitwiseNegationOperator(n%)
for i% = 1% to n%
r% = not i%
end for
end sub

sub floatAssignmentOperator(n!)
r! = 1.0!

for i! = 1.0! to n!
r! = i!
end for
end sub

sub floatArithmeticAdditionOperator(n!)
r! = 1.0!

for i! = 1.0! to n!
r! = r! + i!
end for
end sub

sub floatArithmeticSubtractOperator(n!)
r! = 1.0!

for i! = 1.0! to n!
r! = r! - i!
end for
end sub

sub floatArithmeticMultiplicationOperator(n!)
r! = 1.0!

for i! = 1.0! to n!
r! = r! * i!
end for
end sub

sub floatArithmeticDivisionOperator(n!)
r! = 1.0!

for i! = 1.0! to n!
r! = r! / i!
end for
end sub

sub floatArithmeticExponentiationOperator(n!)
r! = 1.0!

for i! = 1.0! to n!
r! = r! ^ i!
end for
end sub

sub floatUnaryPlusOperator(n!)
r! = 1.0!

for i! = 1.0! to n!
r! = +i!
end for
end sub

sub floatUnaryNegationOperator(n!)
r! = 1.0!

for i! = 1.0! to n!
r! = -i!
end for
end sub

sub floatComparisonLessThanOperator(n!)
r! = 1.0!

for i! = 1.0! to n!
b = r! < i!
end for
end sub

sub floatComparisonGreaterThanOperator(n!)
r! = 1.0!

for i! = 1.0! to n!
b = r! > i!
end for
end sub

sub floatComparisonLessThanOrEqualToOperator(n!)
r! = 1.0!

for i! = 1.0! to n!
b = r! <= i!
end for
end sub

sub floatComparisonGreaterThanOrEqualToOperator(n!)
r! = 1.0!

for i! = 1.0! to n!
b = r! >= i!
end for
end sub

sub floatComparisonEqualToOperator(n!)
r! = 1.0!

for i! = 1.0! to n!
b = r! = i!
end for
end sub

sub floatComparisonNotEqualToOperator(n!)
r! = 1.0!

for i! = 1.0! to n!
b = r! <> i!
end for
end sub

sub floatBitwiseAndOperator(n!)
r! = 1.0!

for i! = 1.0! to n!
r! = r! and i!
end for
end sub

sub floatBitwiseOrOperator(n!)
r! = 1.0!

for i! = 1.0! to n!
r! = r! or i!
end for
end sub

sub floatBitwiseNegationOperator(n!)
for i! = 1.0! to n!
r! = not i!
end for
end sub

sub doubleAssignmentOperator(n#)
r# = 1.0#

for i# = 1.0# to n#
r# = i#
end for
end sub

sub doubleArithmeticAdditionOperator(n#)
r# = 1.0#

for i# = 1.0# to n#
r# = r# + i#
end for
end sub

sub doubleArithmeticSubtractOperator(n#)
r# = 1.0#

for i# = 1.0# to n#
r# = r# - i#
end for
end sub

sub doubleArithmeticMultiplicationOperator(n#)
r# = 1.0#

for i# = 1.0# to n#
r# = r# * i#
end for
end sub

sub doubleArithmeticDivisionOperator(n#)
r# = 1.0#

for i# = 1.0# to n#
r# = r# / i#
end for
end sub

sub doubleArithmeticExponentiationOperator(n#)
r# = 1.0#

for i# = 1.0# to n#
r# = r# ^ i#
end for
end sub

sub doubleUnaryPlusOperator(n#)
r# = 1.0#

for i# = 1.0# to n#
r# = +i#
end for
end sub

sub doubleUnaryNegationOperator(n#)
r# = 1.0#

for i# = 1.0# to n#
r# = -i#
end for
end sub

sub doubleComparisonLessThanOperator(n#)
r# = 1.0#

for i# = 1.0# to n#
b = r# < i#
end for
end sub

sub doubleComparisonGreaterThanOperator(n#)
r# = 1.0#

for i# = 1.0# to n#
b = r# > i#
end for
end sub

sub doubleComparisonLessThanOrEqualToOperator(n#)
r# = 1.0#

for i# = 1.0# to n#
b = r# <= i#
end for
end sub

sub doubleComparisonGreaterThanOrEqualToOperator(n#)
r# = 1.0#

for i# = 1.0# to n#
b = r# >= i#
end for
end sub

sub doubleComparisonEqualToOperator(n#)
r# = 1.0#

for i# = 1.0# to n#
b = r# = i#
end for
end sub

sub doubleComparisonNotEqualToOperator(n#)
r# = 1.0#

for i# = 1.0# to n#
b = r# <> i#
end for
end sub

sub doubleBitwiseAndOperator(n#)
r# = 1.0#

for i# = 1.0# to n#
r# = r# and i#
end for
end sub

sub doubleBitwiseOrOperator(n#)
r# = 1.0#

for i# = 1.0# to n#
r# = r# or i#
end for
end sub

sub doubleBitwiseNegationOperator(n#)
for i# = 1.0# to n#
r# = not i#
end for
end sub

sub logicalAndOperator(n)
for i = 1 to n
b = i > 5 and i < 7
end for
end sub

sub logicalOrOperator(n)
for i = 1 to n
b = i < 5 or i > 7
end for
end sub

sub booleanAssignmentOperator(n)
r = false

for i = 1 to n
r = true
end for
end sub

sub booleanLogicalNegationOperator(n)
r = false

for i = 1 to n
r = not r
end for
end sub

sub stringConcatenationOperator(n)
r$ = ""

for i = 1 to n
r$ = r$ + "."
end for
end sub

sub stringComparisonLessThanOperator(n)
r$ = "45"

for i% = 1% to n%
b = r$ < Stri(i%)
end for
end sub

sub stringComparisonGreaterThanOperator(n)
r$ = "45"

for i% = 1% to n%
b = r$ > Stri(i%)
end for
end sub

sub stringComparisonLessThanOrEqualToOperator(n)
r$ = "45"

for i% = 1% to n%
b = r$ <= Stri(i%)
end for
end sub

sub stringComparisonGreaterThanOrEqualToOperator(n)
r$ = "45"

for i% = 1% to n%
b = r$ >= Stri(i%)
end for
end sub

sub stringComparisonEqualToOperator(n)
r$ = "45"

for i% = 1% to n%
b = r$ = Stri(i%)
end for
end sub

sub stringComparisonNotEqualToOperator(n)
r$ = "45"

for i% = 1% to n%
b = r$ <> Stri(i%)
end for
end sub

sub referenceComparisonEqualToOperator(n)
roa = CreateObject("roAssociativeArray")
rol = CreateObject("roList")

for i% = 1% to n%
b = roa = rol
end for
end sub

sub referenceComparisonNotEqualToOperator(n)
roa = CreateObject("roAssociativeArray")
rol = CreateObject("roList")

for i = 1 to n
b = roa <> rol
end for
end sub

function RunBenchmarks()
benchmarks = [

dialog = CreateObject("roOneLineDialog")
port = CreateObject("roMessagePort")

dialog.SetTitle("Running ...")



print "Running Benchmark Suite"

tt = 0

text = ""

for each benchmark in benchmarks
print "Running Benchmark: " + benchmark[0] + "(" + Stri(benchmark[1]) + ") ..."

st = UpTime(0)
Eval(benchmark[0] + "(" + Stri(benchmark[1]) + ")")
et = UpTime(0)

t = et-st

tt = tt + t

print "Elapsed Time: " + benchmark[0] + "(" + Stri(benchmark[1]) + "): " + Str(t) + " s"
end for

print "Total Elapsed Time: " + str(tt) " s"


return tt
end function

sub DisplayRunScreen()
screen = CreateObject("roParagraphScreen")
port = CreateObject("roMessagePort")

screen.SetTitle("Benchmark Suite")

screen.AddButton(1, "Close")


tt = RunBenchmarks()

screen.AddHeaderText("Elapsed Time: " + Str(tt) + "s")

' event loop
while true
msg = wait(0, port) ' wait for an event

if type(msg) = "roParagraphScreenEvent"
if msg.isButtonPressed()
buttonIndex = msg.GetIndex()

if buttonIndex = 1
exit while
end if
end if
if msg.isScreenClosed()
exit while
end if
end if
end while

end sub

sub DisplayMainScreen()
screen = CreateObject("roParagraphScreen")
port = CreateObject("roMessagePort")

screen.SetTitle("Benchmark Suite")

screen.AddButton(1, "Start")
screen.AddButton(2, "Close")


' event loop
while true
msg = wait(0, port) ' wait for an event

if type(msg) = "roParagraphScreenEvent"
if msg.isButtonPressed()
buttonIndex = msg.GetIndex()

if buttonIndex = 1
else if buttonIndex = 2
exit while
end if
end if
if msg.isScreenClosed()
exit while
end if
end if
end while

end sub

sub Main()
end sub
0 Kudos

Re: roku brightscript benchmark suite...

ok here is todays benchmark suite

i want to thank the members who helped me with the questions that i posted... teamwork help save me time trying to figure it out...

ive adds all builtin functions

tomorrow i'll try to get to statements, joy 😉

finally, i'm running it on my old roku xd, the roku 2 xs just reboots cause of use of double as for-loop variable, i think...

anyways, hopefully the woku 2 xs will soon get a fix and i will be able to compare the two boxes

finally, if anyone has a roku 1 please run the benchmarks

im getting on my roku xs total elapsed time

237.8598 s
237.7297 s
235.6101 s

most of which are consumed by 100 calls to sieve...

what do you get.... does it even work, or crashes, if crashes, let me know details can be found in debug console port 8085...


sub bench(n)
end sub

sub sieve(n)
flags = CreateObject("roArray", 8192 + 1, true)

count = 0

while n > 0
n = n - 1

count = 0

for i = 2 to 8192
flags[i] = true
end for

for i = 2 to 8192
if (flags[i])
' remove all multiples of prime: i
for k = i + i to 8192 step i
flags[k] = false
end for

count = count + 1
end if
end for
end while
end sub

sub integerAssignmentOperator(n%)
r% = 1%

for i% = 1% to n%
r% = i%
end for
end sub

sub integerArithmeticAdditionOperator(n%)
r% = 1%

for i% = 1% to n%
r% = r% + i%
end for
end sub

sub integerArithmeticSubtractOperator(n%)
r% = 1%

for i% = 1% to n%
r% = r% - i%
end for
end sub

sub integerArithmeticMultiplicationOperator(n%)
r% = 1%

for i% = 1% to n%
r% = r% * i%
end for
end sub

sub integerArithmeticDivisionOperator(n%)
r% = 1%

for i% = 1% to n%
r% = r% / i%
end for
end sub

sub integerArithmeticExponentiationOperator(n%)
r% = 1%

for i% = 1% to n%
r% = r% ^ i%
end for
end sub

sub integerUnaryPlusOperator(n%)
r% = 1%

for i% = 1% to n%
r% = +i%
end for
end sub

sub integerUnaryNegationOperator(n%)
r% = 1%

for i% = 1% to n%
r% = -i%
end for
end sub

sub integerComparisonLessThanOperator(n%)
r% = 1%

for i% = 1% to n%
b = r% < i%
end for
end sub

sub integerComparisonGreaterThanOperator(n%)
r% = 1%

for i% = 1% to n%
b = r% > i%
end for
end sub

sub integerComparisonLessThanOrEqualToOperator(n%)
r% = 1%

for i% = 1% to n%
b = r% <= i%
end for
end sub

sub integerComparisonGreaterThanOrEqualToOperator(n%)
r% = 1%

for i% = 1% to n%
b = r% >= i%
end for
end sub

sub integerComparisonEqualToOperator(n%)
r% = 1%

for i% = 1% to n%
b = r% = i%
end for
end sub

sub integerComparisonNotEqualToOperator(n%)
r% = 1%

for i% = 1% to n%
b = r% <> i%
end for
end sub

sub integerBitwiseAndOperator(n%)
r% = 1%

for i% = 1% to n%
r% = r% and i%
end for
end sub

sub integerBitwiseOrOperator(n%)
r% = 1%

for i% = 1% to n%
r% = r% or i%
end for
end sub

sub integerBitwiseNegationOperator(n%)
for i% = 1% to n%
r% = not i%
end for
end sub

sub floatAssignmentOperator(n!)
r! = 1.0!

for i! = 1.0! to n!
r! = i!
end for
end sub

sub floatArithmeticAdditionOperator(n!)
r! = 1.0!

for i! = 1.0! to n!
r! = r! + i!
end for
end sub

sub floatArithmeticSubtractOperator(n!)
r! = 1.0!

for i! = 1.0! to n!
r! = r! - i!
end for
end sub

sub floatArithmeticMultiplicationOperator(n!)
r! = 1.0!

for i! = 1.0! to n!
r! = r! * i!
end for
end sub

sub floatArithmeticDivisionOperator(n!)
r! = 1.0!

for i! = 1.0! to n!
r! = r! / i!
end for
end sub

sub floatArithmeticExponentiationOperator(n!)
r! = 1.0!

for i! = 1.0! to n!
r! = r! ^ i!
end for
end sub

sub floatUnaryPlusOperator(n!)
r! = 1.0!

for i! = 1.0! to n!
r! = +i!
end for
end sub

sub floatUnaryNegationOperator(n!)
r! = 1.0!

for i! = 1.0! to n!
r! = -i!
end for
end sub

sub floatComparisonLessThanOperator(n!)
r! = 1.0!

for i! = 1.0! to n!
b = r! < i!
end for
end sub

sub floatComparisonGreaterThanOperator(n!)
r! = 1.0!

for i! = 1.0! to n!
b = r! > i!
end for
end sub

sub floatComparisonLessThanOrEqualToOperator(n!)
r! = 1.0!

for i! = 1.0! to n!
b = r! <= i!
end for
end sub

sub floatComparisonGreaterThanOrEqualToOperator(n!)
r! = 1.0!

for i! = 1.0! to n!
b = r! >= i!
end for
end sub

sub floatComparisonEqualToOperator(n!)
r! = 1.0!

for i! = 1.0! to n!
b = r! = i!
end for
end sub

sub floatComparisonNotEqualToOperator(n!)
r! = 1.0!

for i! = 1.0! to n!
b = r! <> i!
end for
end sub

sub floatBitwiseAndOperator(n!)
r! = 1.0!

for i! = 1.0! to n!
r! = r! and i!
end for
end sub

sub floatBitwiseOrOperator(n!)
r! = 1.0!

for i! = 1.0! to n!
r! = r! or i!
end for
end sub

sub floatBitwiseNegationOperator(n!)
for i! = 1.0! to n!
r! = not i!
end for
end sub

sub doubleAssignmentOperator(n#)
r# = 1.0#

for i# = 1.0# to n#
r# = i#
end for
end sub

sub doubleArithmeticAdditionOperator(n#)
r# = 1.0#

for i# = 1.0# to n#
r# = r# + i#
end for
end sub

sub doubleArithmeticSubtractOperator(n#)
r# = 1.0#

for i# = 1.0# to n#
r# = r# - i#
end for
end sub

sub doubleArithmeticMultiplicationOperator(n#)
r# = 1.0#

for i# = 1.0# to n#
r# = r# * i#
end for
end sub

sub doubleArithmeticDivisionOperator(n#)
r# = 1.0#

for i# = 1.0# to n#
r# = r# / i#
end for
end sub

sub doubleArithmeticExponentiationOperator(n#)
r# = 1.0#

for i# = 1.0# to n#
r# = r# ^ i#
end for
end sub

sub doubleUnaryPlusOperator(n#)
r# = 1.0#

for i# = 1.0# to n#
r# = +i#
end for
end sub

sub doubleUnaryNegationOperator(n#)
r# = 1.0#

for i# = 1.0# to n#
r# = -i#
end for
end sub

sub doubleComparisonLessThanOperator(n#)
r# = 1.0#

for i# = 1.0# to n#
b = r# < i#
end for
end sub

sub doubleComparisonGreaterThanOperator(n#)
r# = 1.0#

for i# = 1.0# to n#
b = r# > i#
end for
end sub

sub doubleComparisonLessThanOrEqualToOperator(n#)
r# = 1.0#

for i# = 1.0# to n#
b = r# <= i#
end for
end sub

sub doubleComparisonGreaterThanOrEqualToOperator(n#)
r# = 1.0#

for i# = 1.0# to n#
b = r# >= i#
end for
end sub

sub doubleComparisonEqualToOperator(n#)
r# = 1.0#

for i# = 1.0# to n#
b = r# = i#
end for
end sub

sub doubleComparisonNotEqualToOperator(n#)
r# = 1.0#

for i# = 1.0# to n#
b = r# <> i#
end for
end sub

sub doubleBitwiseAndOperator(n#)
r# = 1.0#

for i# = 1.0# to n#
r# = r# and i#
end for
end sub

sub doubleBitwiseOrOperator(n#)
r# = 1.0#

for i# = 1.0# to n#
r# = r# or i#
end for
end sub

sub doubleBitwiseNegationOperator(n#)
for i# = 1.0# to n#
r# = not i#
end for
end sub

sub logicalAndOperator(n)
for i = 1 to n
b = i > 5 and i < 7
end for
end sub

sub logicalOrOperator(n)
for i = 1 to n
b = i < 5 or i > 7
end for
end sub

sub booleanAssignmentOperator(n)
r = false

for i = 1 to n
r = true
end for
end sub

sub booleanLogicalNegationOperator(n)
r = false

for i = 1 to n
r = not r
end for
end sub

sub stringConcatenationOperator(n)
r$ = ""

for i = 1 to n
r$ = r$ + "."
end for
end sub

sub stringComparisonLessThanOperator(n)
r$ = "45"

for i% = 1% to n%
b = r$ < Stri(i%)
end for
end sub

sub stringComparisonGreaterThanOperator(n)
r$ = "45"

for i% = 1% to n%
b = r$ > Stri(i%)
end for
end sub

sub stringComparisonLessThanOrEqualToOperator(n)
r$ = "45"

for i% = 1% to n%
b = r$ <= Stri(i%)
end for
end sub

sub stringComparisonGreaterThanOrEqualToOperator(n)
r$ = "45"

for i% = 1% to n%
b = r$ >= Stri(i%)
end for
end sub

sub stringComparisonEqualToOperator(n)
r$ = "45"

for i% = 1% to n%
b = r$ = Stri(i%)
end for
end sub

sub stringComparisonNotEqualToOperator(n)
r$ = "45"

for i% = 1% to n%
b = r$ <> Stri(i%)
end for
end sub

sub referenceComparisonEqualToOperator(n)
roa = CreateObject("roAssociativeArray")
rol = CreateObject("roList")

for i% = 1% to n%
b = roa = rol
end for
end sub

sub referenceComparisonNotEqualToOperator(n)
roa = CreateObject("roAssociativeArray")
rol = CreateObject("roList")

for i = 1 to n
b = roa <> rol
end for
end sub

sub CreateObjectFunction(n)
for i = 1 to n
r = CreateObject("roList")
end for
end sub

sub integerTypeFunction(n)
for i = 1 to n
r = Type(5%)
end for
end sub

sub floatTypeFunction(n)
for i = 1 to n
r = Type(5.0!)
end for
end sub

sub doubleTypeFunction(n)
for i = 1 to n
r = Type(5.0#)
end for
end sub

sub booleanTypeFunction(n)
for i = 1 to n
r = Type(true)
end for
end sub

sub stringTypeFunction(n)
for i = 1 to n
r = Type("my string")
end for
end sub

sub referenceTypeFunction(n)
o = CreateObject("roList")

for i = 1 to n
r = Type(o)
end for
end sub

sub GetGlobalAAFunction(n)
for i = 1 to n
r = GetGlobalAA()
end for
end sub

sub integerBoxFunction(n)
for i = 1 to n
r = Box(5%)
end for
end sub

sub floatBoxFunction(n)
for i = 1 to n
r = Box(5.0!)
end for
end sub

sub doubleBoxFunction(n)
for i = 1 to n
r = Box(5.0#)
end for
end sub

sub booleanBoxFunction(n)
for i = 1 to n
r = Box(true)
end for
end sub

sub stringBoxFunction(n)
for i = 1 to n
r = Box("my string")
end for
end sub

sub referenceBoxFunction(n)
o = CreateObject("roList")

for i = 1 to n
r = Box(o)
end for
end sub

sub RunFunction(n)
for i = 1 to n
r = Run("pkg:/run_benchmark.test.brs", n)
end for
end sub

sub RunFunction2(n)
r = Run("pkg:/run_benchmark.test.brs")
for i = 1 to n
end for
end sub

sub EvalFunction(n)
for i = 1 to n
r = Eval(n.toStr())
end for
end sub

sub GetLastRunCompileErrorFunction(n)
for i = 1 to n
r = GetLastRunCompileError()
end for
end sub

sub GetLastRunRuntimeErrorFunction(n)
for i = 1 to n
r = GetLastRunRuntimeError()
end for
end sub

sub SleepFunction(n)
for i = 1 to n
r = Sleep(0)
end for
end sub

sub WaitFunction(n)
p = CreateObject("roMessagePort")

for i = 1 to n
r = Wait(1, p)
end for
end sub

sub GetInterfaceFunction(n)
o = CreateObject("roList")

for i = 1 to n
r = GetInterface(o, "ifList")
end for
end sub

sub UpTimeFunction(n)
for i = 1 to n
r = UpTime(0)
end for
end sub

' we should not run this test, it reboots the system
'sub RebootSystemFunction(n)
' for i = 1 to n
' r = RebootSystem()
' end for
'end sub

sub ListDirFunction(n)
for i = 1 to n
r = ListDir("pkg:/")
end for
end sub

sub WriteAsciiFileFunction(n)
for i = 1 to n
r = WriteAsciiFile("tmp:/benchmark_suite" + n.toStr() + ".tmp", n.toStr())
end for
end sub

sub ReadAsciiFileFunction(n)
for i = 1 to n
r = ReadAsciiFile("tmp:/benchmark_suite" + n.toStr() + ".tmp")
end for
end sub

sub CopyFileFunction(n)
for i = 1 to n
r = CopyFile("tmp:/benchmark_suite.tmp", "tmp:/benchmark_suite" + n.toStr() + ".tmp")
end for
end sub

sub MatchFilesFunction(n)
for i = 1 to n
r = MatchFiles("tmp:/", "*" + n.toStr() + ".tmp")
end for
end sub

sub DeleteFileFunction(n)
for i = 1 to n
r = DeleteFile("tmp:/benchmark_suite" + n.toStr() + ".tmp")
end for
end sub

sub CreateDirectoryFunction(n)
for i = 1 to n
r = CreateDirectory("tmp:/benchmark_suite" + n.toStr())
end for
end sub

sub DeleteDirectoryFunction(n)
for i = 1 to n
r = DeleteDirectory("tmp:/benchmark_suite" + n.toStr())
end for
end sub

' requires usb storage
'sub FormatDriveFunction(n)
' for i = 1 to n
' r = FormatDrive("", "FAT32")
' end for
'end sub

sub strtoiFunction(n)
for i = 1 to n
r = strtoi("1")
end for
end sub

sub RunGarbageCollectorFunction(n)
for i = 1 to n
r = RunGarbageCollector()
end for
end sub

sub UCaseFunction(n)
for i = 1 to n
r = UCase("test")
end for
end sub

sub LCaseFunction(n)
for i = 1 to n
r = LCase("test")
end for
end sub

sub AscFunction(n)
for i = 1 to n
r = Asc("a")
end for
end sub

sub ChrFunction(n)
for i = 1 to n
r = Chr(35)
end for
end sub

sub InstrFunction(n)
for i = 1 to n
r = Instr(1, "this is a test", "is")
end for
end sub

sub LeftFunction(n)
for i = 1 to n
r = Left(1, "this is a test", 3)
end for
end sub

sub LenFunction(n)
for i = 1 to n
r = Len(1, "this is a test")
end for
end sub

sub MidFunction(n)
for i = 1 to n
r = Mid(1, "this is a test", 4, 3)
end for
end sub

sub RightFunction(n)
for i = 1 to n
r = Right(1, "this is a test", 3)
end for
end sub

sub StrFunction(n)
for i = 1 to n
r = Str(1.0)
end for
end sub

sub StringFunction(n)
for i = 1 to n
r = String(10, "*")
end for
end sub

sub ValFunction(n)
str1 = "12"
str2 = "34"

for i = 1 to n
r = Val(str1 + "." + str2)
end for
end sub

sub AbsFunction(n)
for i = 1 to n
r = Abs(1.0)
end for
end sub

sub AtnFunction(n)
for i = 1 to n
r = Atn(1.0)
end for
end sub

sub CosFunction(n)
for i = 1 to n
r = Cos(1.0)
end for
end sub

sub CsngFunction(n)
for i = 1 to n
r = Csng(1)
end for
end sub

sub CdblFunction(n)
for i = 1 to n
r = Cdbl(1)
end for
end sub

sub ExpFunction(n)
for i = 1 to n
r = Exp(1.0)
end for
end sub

sub FixFunction(n)
for i = 1 to n
r = Fix(1.0)
end for
end sub

sub IntFunction(n)
for i = 1 to n
r = Int(1.0)
end for
end sub

sub LogFunction(n)
for i = 1 to n
r = Log(1.0)
end for
end sub

sub RndFunction(n)
for i = 1 to n
r = Rnd(0)
end for
end sub

sub integerRndFunction(n)
for i = 1 to n
r = Rnd(5)
end for
end sub

sub integerSgnFunction(n)
for i = 1 to n
r = Rnd(1)
end for
end sub

sub floatSgnFunction(n)
for i = 1 to n
r = Sgn(1.0)
end for
end sub

sub SinFunction(n)
for i = 1 to n
r = Sin(1.0)
end for
end sub

sub SqrFunction(n)
for i = 1 to n
r = Sqr(1.0)
end for
end sub

sub TanFunction(n)
for i = 1 to n
r = Tan(1.0)
end for
end sub

function RunBenchmarks()
benchmarks = [

dialog = CreateObject("roOneLineDialog")
port = CreateObject("roMessagePort")

dialog.SetTitle("Running ...")



print "Running Benchmark Suite"

tt = 0

text = ""

for each benchmark in benchmarks
print "Running Benchmark: " + benchmark[0] + "(" + Stri(benchmark[1]) + ") ..."

st = UpTime(0)
Eval(benchmark[0] + "(" + Stri(benchmark[1]) + ")")
et = UpTime(0)

t = et-st

tt = tt + t

print "Elapsed Time: " + benchmark[0] + "(" + Stri(benchmark[1]) + "): " + Str(t) + " s"
end for

print "Total Elapsed Time: " + str(tt) " s"


return tt
end function

sub DisplayRunScreen()
screen = CreateObject("roParagraphScreen")
port = CreateObject("roMessagePort")

screen.SetTitle("Benchmark Suite")

screen.AddButton(1, "Close")


tt = RunBenchmarks()

screen.AddHeaderText("Elapsed Time: " + Str(tt) + "s")

' event loop
while true
msg = wait(0, port) ' wait for an event

if type(msg) = "roParagraphScreenEvent"
if msg.isButtonPressed()
buttonIndex = msg.GetIndex()

if buttonIndex = 1
exit while
end if
end if
if msg.isScreenClosed()
exit while
end if
end if
end while

end sub

sub DisplayMainScreen()
screen = CreateObject("roParagraphScreen")
port = CreateObject("roMessagePort")

screen.SetTitle("Benchmark Suite")

screen.AddButton(1, "Start")
screen.AddButton(2, "Close")


' event loop
while true
msg = wait(0, port) ' wait for an event

if type(msg) = "roParagraphScreenEvent"
if msg.isButtonPressed()
buttonIndex = msg.GetIndex()

if buttonIndex = 1
else if buttonIndex = 2
exit while
end if
end if
if msg.isScreenClosed()
exit while
end if
end if
end while

end sub

sub Main()
end sub


sub run_test(n)
end sub


0 Kudos

Re: roku brightscript benchmark suite...

Geoff (Gandk-Geoff) over here actually wrote a benchmark framework so we could determine the cost of low level operations in BrightScript. From what I remember it's fairly comprehensive, but it's targeted at low level brightscript ops, not algorithms. Stuff like what's the difference between accessing a variable and an array item or associative array item (quite a bit, is the answer).

I'll see if he's interested in making it public.

From what I remember, typing your variables actually results in a (near negligible) performance hit, associative array and list/array access is pretty horrendous (it you are trying to accomplish ops in a tight loop, e.g. trying to achieve 60fps in a came), and there's a few other gotchas.

I always wanted to save all the results and post them up with a version number to track process, but never got around to it.
-- GandK Labs
Check out Reversi! in the channel store!
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Channel Surfer

Re: roku brightscript benchmark suite...

"kbenson" wrote:
associative array and list/array access is pretty horrendous (it you are trying to accomplish ops in a tight loop, e.g. trying to achieve 60fps in a came)

I've recently been doing some of my own benchmarking for this same exact reason. I was shocked at the performance difference between:
point = {
x: 100
y: 100
newX = point.x + i

x = 100
y = 100
newX = x + i

That may explain why the 2D interfaces take ints instead of rects...
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0 Kudos

Re: roku brightscript benchmark suite...

Benchmarks as promised: ... /perfsuite

Below is the debugging console output (which is really what you want to be looking at). I'll leave inferring the purpose of the test from the name an exercise for the reader (just look at the source), but a few items are worth noting:

  • Associative array assignment is roughly 70 times more expensive than regular variable assignment

  • Associative array reads are roughly 30 times more expensive than regular variable reads

  • Array use is expensive as well, but less so than associative array use.

  • Assigning to associative arrays isn't affected by number of items in the array, reading IS.
    (see rd_inv_aa_l1e4. If I remember correctly, it scaled linearly after 32k entries or something
    similar, indicating the upper bound on hash keys)

  • Sequential array read/write times are not affected by number of items in the array.

  • Returning arrays from functions is actaully more expensive than associative arrays

In addition, here are Geoff's original notes from February/March when we originally did most this work (may have changed):

  • Unrolling the test loops doesn't make much difference -- MAYBE .1% worse
    if anything, but that may just be amortization of error in removing the
    empty loop overhead

  • Because for loop start/end/step are evaluated only once at loop start,
    there is no appreciable cost to using a complex expression for each when
    iteration count is large enough

  • Length of lexical variable name doesn't seem to impact performance

  • Boolean and invalid literals can be assigned slightly faster than int and
    float literals; this difference goes away when assigning from untyped vars

  • Doubles (in any usage) are OMG SLOW -- 15-68x slower for simple tests
    (1-2 orders of magnitude, essentially)

  • It is more expensive to create/destroy an empty [] than an empty {}

  • A method call with no arguments on some object is a few percent slower
    than a function call whose only argument is that same object

  • Object attribute lookup (AA lookup with constant key using dot notation)
    is VERY slow. It is much faster (2x at 1 arg, 4x at 10) to call a function
    to sum N separately passed integer args than to call a function to sum the
    N integers in an object passed as a single argument.

  • The same applies (but not as strongly) to passing empty strings.

  • Passing discrete doubles however is even slower than passing an array or
    object of the same number of doubles.

  • Array indexing to retrieve ints is a few percent faster than object
    attribute lookup, but still very slow compared to discrete arguments.

  • Oddly, array indexing to retrieve strings or doubles is a few percent
    *slower* than object attribute lookup.

empty 1e+07 3.996 0.3996

ass_inv_lit 1e+07 2.602 0.2602
ass_bool_lit 1e+07 2.66 0.266
ass_int_lit 1e+07 3.311 0.3311
ass_flt_lit 1e+07 3.211 0.3211
ass_dbl_lit 100000 1.82004 18.2004
ass_str_l0_lit 1e+07 3.242 0.3242
ass_inv_var 1e+07 3.48 0.348
ass_bool_var 1e+07 3.479 0.3479
ass_int_var 1e+07 3.473 0.3473
ass_flt_var 1e+07 3.472 0.3472
ass_dbl_var 1e+06 6.7924 6.7924
ass_str_l0_var 1e+07 3.48 0.348
ass_inv_aa 50000 1.16202 23.2404
ass_inv_aa_l100 50000 1.18202 23.6404
ass_inv_aa_l1e4 50000 1.20402 24.0804
rd_inv_var 5e+06 1.735 0.347
rd_inv_aa 100000 1.07704 10.7704
rd_inv_aa_l100 100000 1.35504 13.5504
rd_inv_aa_l1e3 50000 2.14402 42.8804
rd_inv_aa_l1e4 5000 2.433002 486.6004
ass_inv_ar 100000 0.94604 9.4604
ass_inv_ar_l100 100000 0.95004 9.5004
ass_inv_ar_l1e4 100000 0.94404 9.4404
rd_inv_ar 100000 0.96004 9.6004
rd_inv_ar_l100 100000 1.03604 10.3604
rd_inv_ar_l1e3 100000 1.03304 10.3304
rd_inv_ar_l1e4 100000 1.04204 10.4204
ass_bool_aa 100000 2.43304 24.3304
ass_int_aa 100000 2.26804 22.6804
ass_flt_aa 100000 2.27404 22.7404
ass_dbl_aa 100000 2.79504 27.9504
ass_str_l0_aa 100000 2.32704 23.2704
accum_int 1e+06 1.0204 1.0204
accum_flt 1e+06 3.8064 3.8064
accum_dbl 100000 5.99804 59.9804
accum_str_len0 100000 3.71604 37.1604
sum_int 1e+06 1.0464 1.0464
sum_int_flt 1e+06 3.0754 3.0754
sum_int_dbl 100000 5.02604 50.2604
func_v_v 100000 1.86904 18.6904
func_v_b 100000 1.98904 19.8904
func_v_i 100000 2.08304 20.8304
func_v_f 100000 2.07804 20.7804
func_v_d 100000 4.49604 44.9604
func_v_s 100000 2.11104 21.1104
func_v_a 100000 9.98404 99.8404
func_v_o 100000 8.28404 82.8404
func_b_v 100000 2.04504 20.4504
func_b_b 100000 2.08104 20.8104
func_b_i 100000 2.14304 21.4304
func_b_f 100000 2.13504 21.3504
func_b_d 100000 4.56304 45.6304
func_b_s 100000 2.18604 21.8604
func_b_a 100000 10.14504 101.4504
func_b_o 100000 8.56504 85.6504
func_i_v 100000 2.11204 21.1204
func_i_b 100000 2.14804 21.4804
func_i_i 100000 2.16604 21.6604
func_i_f 100000 2.20304 22.0304
func_i_d 100000 4.63504 46.3504
func_i_s 100000 2.26304 22.6304
func_i_a 100000 10.35204 103.5204
func_i_o 100000 8.11904 81.1904
func_v_v_r 100000 1.87404 18.7404
func_b_b_r 100000 2.08504 20.8504
func_i_i_r 100000 2.19504 21.9504
func_f_f_r 100000 2.10204 21.0204
func_d_d_r 100000 5.48504 54.8504
func_s_s_r 100000 2.12004 21.2004
func_a_a_r 100000 10.44604 104.4604
func_o_o_r 100000 8.56804 85.6804

func_v_v 100000 1.93104 19.3104
func_o_v 100000 2.57004 25.7004
meth_v_v 100000 2.84704 28.4704

func_i_v 100000 2.12204 21.2204
func_o(i)_v 100000 2.48504 24.8504
meth_v(i)_v 100000 2.86304 28.6304

func_i_i 100000 2.19304 21.9304
func_o(i)_i 100000 3.87204 38.7204
meth_v(i)_i 100000 4.04804 40.4804

func_ii_v 100000 2.21304 22.1304
func_o(ii)_v 100000 2.48504 24.8504
meth_v(ii)_v 100000 2.77804 27.7804

func_ii_i_fk 100000 2.47004 24.7004
func_o(ii)_i_fk 100000 3.04404 30.4404
meth_v(ii)_i_fk 100000 3.39504 33.9504

func_ii_i 100000 2.46404 24.6404
func_a(ii)_i 100000 5.06404 50.6404
func_o(ii)_i 100000 5.08204 50.8204
meth_v(ii)_i 100000 5.12204 51.2204

func_iiiiiiiiii_i_fk 100000 3.57504 35.7504
func_a(iiiiiiiiii)_i_fk 100000 3.59704 35.9704
func_o(iiiiiiiiii)_i_fk 100000 3.51804 35.1804
meth_v(iiiiiiiiii)_i_fk 100000 3.85004 38.5004

func_iiiiiiiiii_i 100000 3.58704 35.8704
func_a(iiiiiiiiii)_i 10000 1.153004 115.3004
func_o(iiiiiiiiii)_i 10000 1.278004 127.8004
meth_v(iiiiiiiiii)_i 10000 1.284004 128.4004

func_ssssssssss_s 10000 2.415004 241.5004
func_a(ssssssssss)_s 10000 3.734004 373.4004
func_o(ssssssssss)_s 10000 3.742004 374.2004
meth_v(ssssssssss)_s 10000 3.816004 381.6004

func_dddddddddd_d 10000 5.760004 576.0004
func_a(dddddddddd)_d 10000 5.307004 530.7004
func_o(dddddddddd)_d 10000 5.215004 521.5004
meth_v(dddddddddd)_d 10000 5.214004 521.4004

sum_iiiiiiiiii_i_ass_fk 100000 0.63704 6.3704
sum_iiiiiiiiii_i_ass 100000 0.66804 6.6804
func_iiiiiiiiii_i_ass 100000 3.67104 36.7104

global_func_getglobalaa 100000 0.70817 7.0817
global_manual_globalobj 100000 3.98717 39.8717
global_func_getglobalaa_assign 100000 3.79117 37.9117
global_manual_globalobj_assign 100000 7.39917 73.9917

Testing complete.

-- GandK Labs
Check out Reversi! in the channel store!
0 Kudos

Re: roku brightscript benchmark suite...

wow very nice looks like a lot of though and effort went into creating your benchmark suite thank you we will all now be able to benefit from your efforts that is very kind gesture best regards
0 Kudos
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