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detail screen in video player example

i cant get these to actually change colors its staying a grey color which i cant see on black

theme.SpringboardActorColor = "#FFFFFF"
theme.SpringboardRuntimeColor = "#FFFFFF"
theme.SpringboardGenreColor = "#FFFFFF"

its strange cause this works:

theme.SpringboardTitleText = "#FFFFFF"
theme.SpringboardSynopsisText = "#FFFFFF"
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Re: detail screen in video player example

still no good on this, anyone have any input on how to change the colors?

also its not displaying Director or rating image, and yes i have read over the docs and looked at the other examples, and honestly it should be showing as far as i can see but its not
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Re: detail screen in video player example

i looked at eztakes and its showing there but not on mine
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Channel Surfer

Re: detail screen in video player example

Have you tried Text instead of Color?

theme.SpringboardActorText  = "#FFFFFF"
theme.SpringboardRuntimeText = "#FFFFFF"
theme.SpringboardGenreText = "#FFFFFF"

It may be a typo in the documentation.
My Channels: - Twitter: @TheEndlessDev
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Re: detail screen in video player example

And not quite everything is capable of being set to custom colors just yet.
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Re: detail screen in video player example

that makes sense, i tried the "text" as well but no good...
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Re: detail screen in video player example

Just tested those three theme parameters, and they are working fine for me.... Looking at the previous question you had, I think you may have just forgotten to call setDescriptionStyle("movie") on your springboard. Without setting the description style the actors, runtime, and genre aren't displayed at all...

theme.SpringboardActorColor = "#FF0000"
theme.SpringboardRuntimeColor = "#FF0000"
theme.SpringboardGenreColor = "#FF0000"

screen = CreateObject("roSpringboardScreen")

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Re: detail screen in video player example

Strange thing was when you set to movie and not video it changes some of the other colors...

But Videos is a better option anyways, since i have no movies...
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Binge Watcher

Re: detail screen in video player example

How is it possible to change the color of the keyboard scree where you set the title?

I have tried every combo but its still grey which is not good on this grey back ground i have
Twitter: iptvmyway facebook: iptvmyay
Channels: Warriors of War, Go Fight Live, Heading Outdoorz, IPTVmyway
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Re: detail screen in video player example

On roSearchScreen, the title theme color is:

theme.SearchHeaderText = "#0000FF"

On roKeyboardScreen, there is not title and the label under the text entry box is not currently skinnable.

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